Question: In cases of multilevel lumbar decompressions, Medicare pays for 63047 and one unit of +63048, but denies +63048 for the third and subsequent levels. The explanation of benefits (EOB) states, "Claim denied because this procedure is not paid separately." Appending modifier -59 to the second, third, etc., units of +63048 makes no difference. Any suggestions? New Jersey Subscriber Answer: The draft Medicare local medical review policy for laminectomy, facetectomy and foraminotomy (Policy # B99-28) states, "Documentation supporting the medical necessity of this item, such as ICD-9-CM codes, must be submitted with each claim. Claims submitted without such evidence will be denied as being not medically necessary," but places no further restriction on the procedures. Note: Both 63047 (... single vertebral segment; lumbar) and +63048 include bilateral procedures, and therefore you should not report multiple units of either code or append modifier -50 (Bilateral procedure) to specify that the physician performed laminectomy on both sides of a vertebral segment. Your only choice in this case is to appeal the decision. Each unpaid unit of +63048 represents 5.59 relative value units (about $200 based on national average payments) of lost reimbursement. Contact the payer directly, ask for a detailed explanation for the claim denial and submit a formal letter outlining your arguments against it. If payment is not forthcoming, you may have to appeal to the payer's medical review board or request a fair hearing.
Assuming your documentation is in order, therefore, your payer should not deny payment for multiple units of +63048 (Laminectomy, facetectomy and foraminotomy [unilateral or bilateral with decompression of spinal cord, cauda equina and/or nerve root(s), (e.g., spinal or lateral recess stenosis)], single vertebral segment; each additional segment, cervical, thoracic, or lumbar [list separately in addition to code for primary procedure]). The CPT definition for this code clearly states, "each additional segment."
Further, because +63048 is a modifier -51 (Multiple procedures) exempt add-on code, the payer should reimburse in full for all units billed. Some payers may request modifier -59 (Distinct procedural service) on second and subsequent units of +63048 to indicate a different anatomic location, but most do not. In addition, you could specify the precise levels at which laminectomy occurred in box 19 of the CMS-1500 claim form or in the comment field of the ANSI X12 837 standard transaction form.