Neurosurgery Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Limit to One Unit of 0283T

Question: Our physician did a bilateral insertion of 4-lead subcutaneous field stimulators along with the battery. We billed 64555 x4 for this procedure. We received a denial from Medicare on the grounds that number of units exceeded acceptable maximum. Can you please explain how we can bill for this service?

Colorado Subscriber

Answer: Your physician clearly documents “subcutaneous field” stimulators. In this case, it is best for you to report code 0283T (Percutaneous or open implantation of neurostimulator electrode array[s], subcutaneous [peripheral subcutaneous field stimulation], including imaging guidance, when performed, cervical, thoracic or lumbar; permanent, with implantation of a pulse generator). This code includes implantation of all arrays/leads and also the implantation of pulse generator. You should report a maximum of one unit of service for 0283T.