Neurosurgery Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Debridement is Inclusive When Reporting Craniotomy

Question: How can we code for debridement or washout of the dura if the brain is already exposed from a previous craniotomy?

Alaska Subscriber

Answer: You only report the craniotomy. The craniotomy codes are inclusive of the debridement or washout of dura. Since details of the procedure have not been shared, we cannot help with a definitive code. Depending upon what your surgeon does, you can look at craniotomy codes, 61304 (Craniectomy or craniotomy, exploratory; supratentorial) - 61571 (Craniectomy or craniotomy; with treatment of penetrating wound of brain). The code range has codes for craniotomy and craniectomy procedures. If your question described a scenario in which the craniotomy bone flap was previously removed and a debridement of the dura is performed for infection, you may consider 10180.