Neurosurgery Coding Alert

Reader Question:

BMP Is Included in Fusion

Question: The surgeon dictated that he used "BMP" during fusion. What is this, and how should I report it?

California Subscriber

Answer: "BMP" is short for bone morphogenetic proteins, a special growth factor for the induction of new bone formation. As the name implies, BMPs initiate, promote and regulate bone development, growth, remodeling and repair. The proteins are mixed with allograft or autograft bone used during fusion, for instance.

No CPT code describes the use of BMP. Although you may try reporting 22899 (Unlisted procedure, spine) with documentation, most surgeons and coding experts agree that the additional effort of employing BMPs does not warrant separate reimbursement.

Clinical and coding expertise for You Be the Coder and Reader Questions provided by Eric Sandham, CHC, CPC, compliance manager for Central California Faculty Medical Group, a group practice and training facility associated with the University of California at San Francisco in Fresno.