Neurosurgery Coding Alert

News in Brief:

AMA May Develop Its Own Correct Coding Initiative

Neurosurgery coders may soon face an additional layer of guidelines, because the American Medical Association, which oversees the creation of CPT codes, might develop its own version of the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI).

CPT guidelines have always specified codes that you shouldn't bill together, or codes that you must report as add-ons, for example. But, this June, the AMA plans to take an additional step and present a report to its House of Delegates on the results of a resolution the delegates passed last summer. The resolution calls on the AMA to study "the feasibility of developing a national standard for the utilization of codes, code combination, and modifiers that is consistent with all CPT codes, guidelines, and conventions, and that would be used by all commercial and governmental payers."

An AMA correct coding initiative could provide invaluable guidance to coders, but it will mean an additional layer of bundling guidelines over and above those already mandated by CMS with the NCCI. Keep watching Neurosurgery Coding Alert for more information as it becomes available.

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