Neurosurgery Coding Alert


Top 5 Questions Help You Refurbish Your Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Coding

ICD-10 offers new terminology and specific codes.

When selecting a diagnosis for reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), you choose from 4 ICD-9 options based on the affected site. When ICD-10 becomes effective in 2015, you’ll have more specific site choices to report depending upon laterality. Additionally, ICD-10 offers an updated terminology. Take this quiz to test your knowledge for RSD reporting in ICD-10. Check out for answers on page 62.

Question 1: Which of the following codes do you report for complex regional pain syndrome I of right upper limb?

a)  G90.50
b)  G90.511
c)  G90.512
d)  G90.513 

Question 2: Which of the following ICD-10 codes do you report for complex regional pain syndrome I of both right and left lower limbs?

a)  G90.513
b)  G90.521
c)  G90.522
d)  G90.523 

Question 3: Which of the following ICD-10 codes do you report for complex regional pain syndrome I of the chest?

a)  G90.59
b)  G90.51
c)  G90.512
d)  G90.523 

Question 4: Say true or false:

ICD-10 lists the condition of reflex sympathetic dystrophy under the new terminology of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).

a)  True
b)  False

Question 5: How do you report when your physician does not document site for reflex sympathetic dystrophy?

a)  G90.511 – Complex regional pain syndrome I of right upper limb
b  G90.512 – Complex regional pain syndrome I of left upper limb
c)  G90.50 – Complex regional pain syndrome I, unspecified
d)  G90.513 – Complex regional pain syndrome I of upper limb, bilateral