Keep watch: ICD-10 offers new code descriptors.
ICD-10 has a one-to-match for most codes for bacterial meningitis. However, there are some exceptions. Some ICD-10 codes have a new descriptor and others map to more than one ICD-9 code. Test your knowledge for bacterial meningitis diagnosis coding by taking this quiz. Then turn to page 44 for the answers.
Question 1: Which of the following ICD-10 codes do you report for meningitis due to Hemophilus influenza?
a) G00.0
b) G00.1
c) G00.2
d) G00.3
Question 2: Which of the following is the best ICD-10 code for meningitis due to Bacteroides fragilis?
a) G00.6
b) G00.7
c) G00.8
d) G00.9
Question 3: Which of the following ICD-10 code is the best option for nonpyogenic meningitis?
a) G01.0
b) G03.0
c) G02.0
d) G04.0
Question 4: Select the ICD-10 code that you can report for meningitis due to Bacillus pyocyaneus.
a) G00.5
b) G00.6
c) G00.7
d) G00.8
Question 5: Which ICD-10 code do you report when your physician does not specify the bacteria that caused the meningitis?
a) G00.9
b) G00.8
c) G04.2
d) G04.1