Neurosurgery Coding Alert

CPT® Coding:
Enhance your Myelography Coding Skills with these 2 Examples
Work out these real-world coding scenarios to master myelographies once and for all. Last... Read more
Source NCCI Policy Manual for Lesion Removals
Avoid these mistakes, stay compliant with CMS guidelines. Occasionally, neurosurgeons wil... Read more
Stay on Top of these New ABN Changes
Integrate these new revisions for all of your ABN encounters. The Centers for Medicare an... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Separate Codes for Laminectomy, Stabilization Device
Question: I am coding a patient with severe lumbar spinal stenosis of the L3-L4 and L4-L5 ... Read more
Reader Question:
Code Underlying Condition as Principal Dx
Question: A patient presents for a visit two months following a vertebroplasty procedure f... Read more
Reader Question:
Carefully Consider Dx for Hematomas with No Known Trauma
Question: How do I code a hematoma of the supraspinatus? Florida Subscriber Answer: Defi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use 2017 Procedural Codes for Interlaminar Epidural Blocks
Question: A patient received an interlaminar epidural block of the lumbar spine with fluor... Read more
NCCI Edits:
Familiarize Yourself with NCCI Sequential Procedures Policy
Rely on operative report and diagnoses to determine coding process. Those with a firm gra... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
I.D. Appropriate ICD-10 Guidelines for these Scenarios
Fall back on your coding manual's guidelines when the going gets tough. No coder is expec... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Simply the Myelography Coding Process with these Tips
Know these keys to deciphering myelography dictation reports. If your neurosurgery practi... Read more
Reader Question:
Coding Hematomas with No Known Trauma
Question: How do I code a hematoma of the gluteus medius? Florida Subscriber Answer: Def... Read more
Reader Question:
Include Appropriate Documentation, Justification with Modifier 22
Question: We submitted a claim with modifier 22 because the surgeon spent an extra 50 minu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Billing Related E/M within 90-Day Global
Question: A patient presents for an evaluation and management (E/M) visit two weeks follow... Read more
CPT® Training:
Prep Now for New 2018 CPT® Codes
Rely on this comprehensive list of all new neurosurgery CPT® changes. If you're an exper... Read more
Preventive Measures:
Consider These Rules on Coding Obesity Screening, Counseling Measures
Know which circumstances might warrant the use of this preventive measure. Neurosurgeons,... Read more
Focus on Date of Surgery, Procedure Type with Modifier 57
Identify all the key components for proper use of modifier 57. Sometimes, a physician may... Read more
Reader Question:
Know All Components Necessary to Reach Extended HPI
Question: The patient complains of a shooting pain down their cervical spine for the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Determine Appropriate Use of Technical, Professional Components
Question: Sometimes our provider will perform a computerized tomography (CT) lumbar s... Read more
Reader Question:
Refer to Appendix P for Telemedicine Codes
Question: How do I know which E/M codes are eligible for use as telemedicine codes? ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use 64455 for a Morton's Neuroma Injection
Question: The provider performed a steroid injection on a patient with a Morton's neu... Read more
ICD-10 Training:
Master the Art of CNS Neoplasm Diagnosis Coding
Utilize these two examples to boost your diagnostic coding skills. Coding neoplasms of th... Read more
Refrain from Use of 52 on Thoracic Hemilaminectomies
Follow these steps to properly code for thoracic hemilaminectomies. If you or your provid... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Factor in Threshold with Corpectomy Coding
Know what percentage of vertebral removal is necessary to reach corpectomy codes. When a ... Read more
Reader Question:
Mark HPI and ROS as Complete when Patient Cannot Comply
Question: The surgeon calls in for a consult at the hospital. The patient arrives int... Read more
Reader Question:
Do Not Use Aftercare Codes When a 7th Character Applies
Question: The surgeon performs an open reduction on a patient with an unstable closed... Read more
Reader Question:
Make No Assumptions Coding Fluid Collections of the Spine
Question: I have a patient status post-laminectomy. The provider states that there is... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Use Separate Codes for Cranioplasties with Autograft and Allograft
Question: What is the CPT® code for a cranioplasty for a craniotomy defect with a... Read more
Look Out for these New and Revised Neurosurgery Codes in 2018
Begin preparations now to hit the ground running in October. Oct. 2017, will bring about ... Read more
Know When and How to Issue ABNs for Medicare Beneficiaries
Use medical necessity, denial history as a gauge on issuing ABNs. Depending on your degre... Read more
Heed these ABN FAQs for Coding Success
Remember G modifiers on ABN claims. If you’re having trouble keeping all of the rul... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Streamline the Billing Process, Cross-Reference Diagnosis and Procedural Codes
Know beforehand which codes might not get paid. Hindsight is always 20-20 when it comes t... Read more
Reader Question:
Establish Global Period Before Deciding Between 63020, 63040
Question: How would I code a reexploration of a bilateral hemilaminectomy at C1-C2? I... Read more
Reader Question:
Make No Assumptions Coding Fluid Collections of the Spine
Question: I have a patient status post-laminectomy. The provider states that there is... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Apply Modifier 51 Only when Billing 63662 with 63688
Question: A patient presented to the operating room (OR) for the removal of a spinal ... Read more
Coding Compliance:
Consider More than NCCI Eligibility with Certain Procedures
NCCI doesn't always have final say when it comes to bundling. Many coders see the Nationa... Read more
Case Studies:
Decide Between Modifier, Unlisted Code in These Scenarios
Simplify the decision-making process using this algorithm. The decision to bill out for a... Read more
NCCI Policy:
Be Careful When Fusing Lumbar Laminectomy, Arthrodesis Codes
Check the NCCI Policy Manual for clarity on lumbar fusions, laminectomies. Preparing the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Practicality, Chances of Success Before Appealing
Question: My provider follows the philosophy that we should appeal all denials, regar... Read more
Reader Question:
Identify Each Component Included in a 95970 Electronic Analysis
Question: The provider saw a new patient for an outpatient evaluation and management ... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifier 53 at Any Stage of a Discontinued Procedure
Question: A patient was scheduled to have an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Code Ventriculostomy, Craniotomy for Separate Burr Hole Sites
Question: The physician performs a frontal ventriculostomy during an exploratory supr... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Correctly Code These Unindexable Spinal Diseases
Follow these rules when the ICD-10 index fails you. The implementation of ICD-10, while s... Read more
Maximize Reimbursement Through MIPS Compliance
Stay on top of MIPS requirements for the best shot at optimal reimbursement. As of Jan. 1... Read more
Get Started with These Three Neurosurgery-Specific Measures
You are looking for both relevance and practicality when considering which MIPS measures a... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Follow These 2 Steps for the Best Chance at Unlisted Code Payment
Take this advice to ease the burden of billing for unlisted codes. Unlisted codes are see... Read more
Reader Question:
Take This Approach Coding Multiple Nerve Blocks
Question: My physician performed three bilateral nerve blocks: a lesser occipital ner... Read more
Reader Question:
It Takes 2 to Monitor Intraoperatively
Question: We have two surgeons co-performing a corpus callosotomy, with one planning ... Read more
Reader Question:
Rely on Documentation When Applying Modifier 53
Question: The surgeon was in the beginning stages of performing an L2-L3, L3-L4 arthr... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Remember P Codes When Diagnosing Infant Cerebral Trauma
Question: An infant is brought to the operating room with a post-traumatic intraventr... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Follow Expert Guidance, Simplify Depressed Skull Fracture Coding
Look for dura repair and debridement in addition to repair of depressed fracture. If you ... Read more
ICD-10 Quiz:
Answer These 5 Key Questions to Test Paralytic Disorder Coding
Key: Determine extent of paralysis and level of injury. Paralytic disorders ranging from ... Read more
Paralytic Disorders ICD-10 Quiz
Confirm laterality and dominant side for hemiplegia, monoplegia; determine level for quadr... Read more
News You Can Use:
CMS Announces ABN Form Update
Prepare to adopt new ABN form in June. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CM... Read more
Reader Question:
Submit R29.6 for Repeated Falls
Question: In a patient with gait imbalance, our physician documented repeated falls. ... Read more
Reader Question:
I.D. Tapping and Replacement in Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts
Question: Our surgeon performed an irrigation of the ventricular catheter through a p... Read more
Reader Question:
Confirm Laminotomy vs. Laminectomy in Spinal Cyst Excision
Question: In a patient with right-sided radiculopathy, our surgeon diagnosed a synovial cy... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Single Access May Bundle Craniectomy Procedures
Question: In a patient with a brain tumor, our surgeon excised the growth and also evacuat... Read more
Ignoring External Cause Codes Could Cost You
Look to V, W, X, and Y for the alphabet soup of these codes. No medical practice likes to... Read more
3 Neurosurgery-Specific Examples Guide Your Modifier 52 Usage
Reduced service? Don't reduce your coding finesse. Neurosurgery coders are quite familiar... Read more
E/M Coding:
Your Most Pressing E/M Questions, With Answers Directly From Medicare
Can the nurse document the history? Read this advice. Neurosurgeons are known for their s... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Your Occipital Nerve Block Options
Question: Our neurosurgeon administered a block near the skull base to treat occipita... Read more
Reader Question:
Know When Dural Repair is Bundled
Question: Our neurosurgeon repaired a dural tear to contain a cerebrospinal fluid (CS... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Forget Operating Microscope Code
Question: Our neurosurgeon used the operating microscope for visualization when he cl... Read more
Reader Question:
Check CCI, Then Look at Dx Codes Post-Denial
Question: We normally report video EEGs with codes 95951 and 95957, but our payer is ... Read more
Reader Question:
Watch the Clock for Prolonged Service Coding
Question: We have a new neurosurgeon who sees complex pediatric cases, and his E/M vi... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Nail Down Vascular Dementia Code
Question: Our neurosurgeon saw a 75-year-old established patient with reduced memory ... Read more
Neurosurgery Coding Errors:
Avoid Medicare Paybacks With These Expert Examples
Auditors found over $260 million in errors among neurosurgery codes. It's no secret that ... Read more
E/M Coding:
Can You Determine What's Wrong With This E/M Code Selection?
Read through this documentation thoroughly and determine the coding problem. Neurosurgeon... Read more
Make 'Z' Codes An Essential Part of Your Coding Toolkit
Z codes can provide diagnostic information for non-acute conditions Although you’ve... Read more
Clip And Save:
What Z Codes Can Do for You
Z codes are your keys to documenting chronic conditions or underlying physical or social c... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Modifiers for Multiple Guidance Types
Question: Our neurosurgeon resected a frontal lobe astrocytoma using microdissection ... Read more
Reader Question:
Documentation Must Be Specific to Select Dens Fracture Code
Question: Our surgeon repaired a dens fracture. Which diagnosis code should we report... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know What to Report for Discontinued Spinal Puncture
Question: Our neurosurgeon was in the process of performing a spinal puncture to obta... Read more
2017 Update:
New In 2017: Must Know Revisions to Percutaneous Spinal Procedure Codes
You can now separately bill for moderate sedation with percutaneous vertebral procedures. ... Read more
ICD-10-CM Update:
ICD-10: Anatomy Is Key In Cerebral Embolism
Confirm symptoms to locate site of occlusion; check laterality before you select a code. ... Read more
Basics of Cerebral Circulation
Anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries are key. Before you attempt coding f... Read more
Practice Management:
Coding Compliance: Here is How to Build A Strong Monitoring System
Identification, verification, and corrections are key compliance components. Have you bee... Read more
Reader Question:
Common CPT® Codes apply to Co-surgery
Question: Do sequential procedures qualify for co-surgery? Two of our neurosurgeons d... Read more
Reader Question:
Ignore Access in Ventricular Tap
Question: To relieve intracranial tension in a child, our surgeon did a ventricular... Read more
Reader Question:
Count Clinical Staff Time for 99487
Question: In the chronic care management code 99487, the descriptor mentions &lsquo... Read more
You Be the Coder:
62380 Allows Modifier 50
Question: Can we submit one unit of the new CPT® code 62380 for a bilateral endos... Read more
Coding strategy:
Build Flawless Claims For Spinal Procedures
Precise units, levels, modifiers, and payer preferences are key. You may be at higher ris... Read more
ICD-10 Quiz:
Assess Your Understanding For Key Neurosurgery Diagnosis
Attention to underlying cause and anatomical location are your guides in neurosurgery diag... Read more
E/M Coding:
E/M Reform: You Can Now Bill For Non-Face-To-Face Prolonged Services
Check if service qualifies for another E/M code; count only physician services. This year... Read more
Coding Tips:
Find The Right Answers For ICD-10 Coding Quiz
Laterality is key to subarachnoid hemorrhages and location is key in cervical disc displac... Read more
Reader Question:
Target A92.5 for Zika Virus Diagnosis
Question: Is there a new code for the diagnosis of Zika virus disease? Have there bee... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Chemodenervation Codes For Botulinum Injections
Question: In a patient with chronic migraine with no aura and no status migrainosus, ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Incisions Are Not Focus for Spinal Decompression
Question: What would be the difference between 63030 versus 63056 far lateral disce... Read more
Available Years:  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000