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Neurosurgery Coding Alert
Neurosurgery Coding Alert
Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 12
Coding Strategy:
Follow These 5 Key Tips For Flawless Shunting Claims
You can earn for evaluation, revision, irrigation, and radiological supervision. When you...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Name And Number Are Key To Coding For Cranial Nerve Neoplasms
You will find specific codes for only the olfactory, optic, and acoustic cranial nerves....
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Procedure Focus:
Check Out These 2 Simple Steps To EMG Coding
Key: Check extremity and any additional NCS services. Your provider may often be doing...
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Quick Refresher for Basics of Electromyogram
What is an EMG? Your provider will do an electromyogram (EMG) to measure the electrical ...
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Reader Question:
Code for Accessory Nerve as Cranial
Question: Our physician documented a diagnosis of neoplasm in the spinal accessory ne...
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Reader Question:
List Fluoroscopy as Add-On Procedure
Question: What are the changes in fluoroscopy codes that we can anticipate in the nex...
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Reader Question:
Restrict 99024 to Follow-up in Global Period
Question: In a patient with a tunneled spinal epidural catheter, our physician did a revis...
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You Be the Coder:
95972 Gets 1 Hour Exempt
Question: Our physician performed a complex spinal cord neurostimulator test and su...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 11
2017 Update:
Mark These Updates For Fluoroscopy and Moderate Sedation in 2017
Also: You continue to use same codes for phrenic nerve stimulation. The Centers for Me...
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Procedure Focus:
Following These 3 Key Steps Will Unlock Picture Perfect EEG Claims
Time the procedure and check if patient was awake, drowsy, asleep, or in coma. When yo...
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E/M Coding:
Do You Know When You Can Use Prolonged-Service Codes? Find Out
Key: Count only face-to-face time and document necessity. When your physician performs an...
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Reader Question:
Check Block or Destruction in Celiac Plexus Injections
Question: Our surgeon has documented a celiac ple...
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Reader Question:
Strike Off 77003 for Fluoroscopy with Epidural Injections in 2017
Question: How can we report fluoroscopic guidance ...
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You Be the Coder:
Refrain from Modifier 63 with Meningocele Repair
Question: How can we report the repair of a...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 10
2017 Update:
2017: Connect With These New Telehealth CPT® Slated For Next Year
CMS decisions hold promise of potential patient benefits. The Centers for Medicare and Me...
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ICD-10 Update:
New Codes and Revisions Will Transform Your Occipital Condyle Fractures Coding
Laterality is important for fractures type I, II, and III; healing status; sequela. Ef...
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News You Can Use:
Understand And Utilize These Best Practices For PHI Security
Choose trusted partners and report any suspected PHI breaches. With growing cyberattac...
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Reader Question:
Differentiate Laminotomy, Laminectomy for Herniated Disc Repair
Question: How can we report repair for a herniated disc at the lumbar region? Does 63...
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You Be the Coder:
Check EEG in Epileptogenic Excision
Question: In a patient with resistant epilepsy, our surgeon did a craniotomy and ex...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 9
CPT® 2017:
2017: Add New CPT® Codes For Spinal Procedures And Devices In the New Year
Location and image guidance are key to coding for spinal interlaminar injections. With...
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ICD-10 Update:
Get Ready to Makeover Your Skull Base Fracture Coding
You can bank upon the side of fracture and initial encounters to find the right code. ...
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Procedure Focus:
Adopt These Tactics For Flawless Head and Neck Angiography Coding
Define discrete territories for vertebral, subclavian, and carotid arteries. Coding fo...
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Reader Question:
Define Acute vs Chronic For Diagnosis of Pain
Question: What are the diagnosis codes in ICD-10 for acute and chronic pain? Are th...
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Reader Question:
Laminectomy Guides Your Dural Repair Coding
Question: How can we report the repair of a traumatic dural laceration? Is there a ...
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You Be the Coder:
Count Views in Spine X-rays
Question: What are the new codes for scoliosis X-rays assessment introduced this ye...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 8
Coding Strategies:
Confirm Each Component of the Procedure For Easy Cervical Spine Coding
Clearly define services for decompression and fusion; add codes for grafts and instrumen...
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ICD-10 Update:
Prepare To Adopt New Hematoma And Cervical Disorder Codes
Specify procedure causing the hematoma; count each level of pathology in the cervical sp...
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Quick Quiz:
Take This Quiz To Assess Your Understanding For Seizure Management Procedures
Make clear concepts for access, electrodes, and excision of foci. In a patient with se...
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Coding Quiz Answers:
See if Your Seizure Management Procedure Coding Measures Up
Check if EEG was obtained when excising epileptogenic foci. Here are correct answers to t...
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Reader Question:
Global Period Determines the Postop Procedure Payments
Question: A patient who underwent a skull fracture reduction returns to our surgeon aft...
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Reader Question:
Check Risk of Double Billing before You Claim for Surgeon's Interpretations
Question: Our surgeon makes an interpretation for the diagnostic studies for a patien...
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Reader Question:
Duration of Service Is Key to Critical Care
Question: Our surgeon examines a patient with massive cerebral hemorrhage and provi...
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You Be the Coder:
Differentiate Cerebellar and Subdural Hematomas
Question: How do we report a craniotomy for evacuation of a cerebellar hematoma? Is...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 7
Coding Strategy:
Banish Your Burr Hole Coding Challenges With This Advice
Check for drainage, aspiration, evacuation, and exploratory cranial procedures. You ca...
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ICD-10-CM Update:
Look For Deletions And New Codes For GCS In The Upcoming ICD-10 Update
In addition to scores, timing becomes crucial for the right GCS code. In the last issu...
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News You Can Use:
CMS Brings In New Focus On Cost And Quality
You can choose form MIPS and APMs. Physician payment programs, established by the Medi...
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Reader Question:
Check Payer Policy for Observation Services
Question: In a patient who reported with a head injury after a traumatic fall, our ...
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Reader Question:
Now Bill Advance Care with E/M
Question: What are the recent reforms for advance care planning? Can we now bill thes...
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You Be the Coder:
Prepare To Distinguish Postprocedure Haemorrhage and Hematoma
Question: What are the anticipated changes for ICD-10 postprocedure haemorrhage codes?...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 6
Coding Case:
Solve Your Spinal Reporting Questions By Specifying Each Surgical Step
You need to avoid duplicates in inclusive services. Here’s why. Spinal coding ma...
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ICD-10-CM Update:
Redefine Neurological Assessments With New Codes And Updates
Each score in NIHSS will have a discrete code. Later this year, you are likely to spot...
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Payment Piece:
5 Key Questions Help You Understand CMS Rule For Overpayments
CMS has shifted the responsibility of identifying payment errors on providers and suppli...
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Reader Question:
Prove No Resident for Modifier 82
Question: Is there a difference in the reimbursement of procedures for modifiers 80 a...
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Reader Question:
Define Localized vs Generalized for Lymphadenopathy
Question: Can you suggest the ICD-10 options for the diagnosis of lymphadenopathy? ...
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Reader Question:
Wait Until Oct 1 Before You Report ICD-10 Codes for 2017
Question: By when is the new ICD-10-CM code set for FY 2017 likely to be final? Whe...
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Reader Question:
Earn for Foley Catheter Change
Question: For a patient with a urinary catheter, can we bill for the Foley itself w...
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Reader Question:
Submit One Code for Each Imaging Session of PET-CT
Question: Is PET-CT different from a PET scan? How can we report for a PET-CT imagi...
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You Be the Coder:
Detail All Steps for Spinal Mass Resection
Question: Our surgeon did a cervical laminotomy from C6-T1 with resection of a spin...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 5
Procedure Focus:
Simplify Your Claims For Cranial Reconstruction Procedures
Removal, retrieval, and replacement of flap codes are as essential as primary procedure ...
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Follow This 5 Step Guide for Cranial Bone Grafting Procedures
Cranial bone grafting may seem to be a coding challenge as there are multiple steps of t...
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ICD-10 Focus:
ICD-10: Dig Deep Into Diabetic Neuropathy Diagnoses Codes
Focus on type of diabetes and neurological complications. A common diagnosis you may c...
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Be On a Watch for ICD-10 Changes Later This Year
New codes, additions, and deletions will account for revisions in October. Prepare to see...
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E/M Coding:
Expert Answers For Your 5 Key Critical Care E/M Questions
Duration of care for critical illness or injury is important for 99291/99292. Critical...
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Reader Question:
Focus on Muscle Vs Nerve for Piriformis Block
Question: We usually submit code 64445 for a piriformis nerve block, but the payer ...
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Reader Question:
Check Primary and Secondary Closure in Wound Dehiscence
Question: Is repair of wound dehiscence ever payable during the global period? If s...
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You Be the Coder:
Fix All Levels in Spinal Fusion
Question: How can we report a posterior spinal fusion from L3 to T7? Our surgeon al...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 4
Coding Tips:
Focus On Simple Vs Complex For Intracranial Aneurysms
Size, location, calcification, and infringement upon adjacent structures are all important...
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Procedure Focus:
Take The Pain Out Of Paravertebral Facet Joint Injection Coding
Remember that intra-articular and medial branch blocks are different. This year, CPT® up...
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ICD-10 Update:
Diagnosis Coding: Do Not Miss These 3 Common Central Benign Tumors
Look for specific codes for pituitary, pineal, and carotid body tumors. With surgery b...
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Basics of Carotid Paragangliomas
More than 60% of paragangliomas in the head and neck region arise in the carotid bodies....
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Reader Question:
Physician Signatures are a Mandate on all Documents
Question: What are the necessary requirements for physician signatures? Are E-signa...
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Reader Question:
Check for Imaging Guidance in SI Arthrography
Question: What codes can we submit for sacroiliac joint arthrography? Do the codes ...
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Reader Question:
Confirm Global Period Before You Report Follow Up Of Spinal Catheter
Question: Our physician did a spinal epidural catheter revision. This was a tunneled ...
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You Be the Coder:
Be Specific for Coccygeal Nerve and Ganglion Impar Block
Question: Our physician did a radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the coccyx. This tec...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 3
2016 Update:
Update Your Practice For These New Codes For Intracranial Arterial Therapeutic Interventions
Distinguish thrombolysis and vasodilation, know services that the new codes include. I...
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ICD-10 Update:
Target Specific Code For Bell's Palsy Diagnosis
ICD-10 offers a simple single and specific code for this condition. Bell’s palsy...
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Compliance Check:
OIG Work Plan 2016: Prepare To Cover Any Compliance Gaps
On the OIG's radar for 2016 are quality reporting and inpatient care. On Nov. 2, the HHS...
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Reader Question:
Narrow Down to Symptoms of Zika Virus Infection
Question: Our physician is suspecting Zika virus infection in a newborn infant who wa...
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Reader Question:
Medicare Accepts 'G' Codes For Laceration Closure
Question: Our surgeon treated a patient for simple laceration of the scalp. Our sur...
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You Be the Coder:
Ignore Location for Critical Care Services
Question: Is it possible that we use critical care codes 99291-99292 for services p...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 2
CCI 22.0:
Latest CCI Edits Call For Attention To Modifier Indicators For PVB
Don’t be in a hurry to report PVB codes as many other procedures can override them...
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ICD-10 Quiz:
2 Steps Help Pinpoint Specific Codes For Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Confirm site and side of the bleed and pick up the most precise code from I60.XX series....
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Assess Your Understanding Of Diagnosis Codes For Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Answer 1: The correct option is a, I60.00. The ICD-10 codes for nontraumatic subarachn...
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News You Can Use:
Discover More About The Medicare Drug Spending Dashboard
Learn more about prescribing trends, drug utilization; do not expect to see price concessi...
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Reader Question:
Do Not Report Modifier 53 with E/M When the Surgery is Cancelled
Question: Our surgeon decided not to take the patient for an elective surgical proced...
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Reader Question:
Rectify Secondary Payer Error with Discussions
Question: Our surgeon did an operative procedure on a patient 11 months ago. We now...
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Reader Question:
Avoid ICD-9 and ICD-10 on Single Claim
Question: We have few patients who were admitted for procedures at the end of Septe...
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You Be the Coder:
Look for Laminectomy in Dural Repair Procedures
Question: How do you code a traumatic dural repair? This dural tear is not iatrogen...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 17, Number 1
Coding Tips:
Strengthen Basics And Assess Your Understanding for Skull Base Coding
You need these three guides: Fossa, dura, and resected structures. When reporting skul...
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ICD-10 Update:
Explore Specific ICD-10 Codes When Reporting Thoracic Sprains and Strains
Check LCDs for what group of codes may allow you more numbers of patient visits. ICD-...
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Practice Updates:
Avoid Appeals By Meeting These 10 Essential Requirements
Align with MAC requirements and keep clean and precise documentation. Are you appealin...
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Reader Question:
Check for Any Personal History of Pulmonary Embolism
Question: A patient who was hospitalized for a neurosurgical procedure and had no h...
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Reader Question:
Modifier CT Could Mean A Pay Cut
Question: What are the revisions in HCPCS 2016 for CT machines? What are the fee cuts...
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Reader Question:
Do Not Submit Z91.81 as Primary Diagnosis
Question: A patient presents to the neurosurgery practice with a history of falling...
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You Be the Coder:
Be Specific For Simple Vs. Compound Skull Fracture Repair
Question: In a patient who developed motor weakness following an accident, our surg...
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Available Years: