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Neurosurgery Coding Alert
Neurosurgery Coding Alert
Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007: Volume 8, Number 12
CPT 2008:
Spinal Osteotomy Codes Top the List of Neurosurgery Changes
Graft and instrumentation descriptors gain new language CPT 2008 will bring relativel...
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CPT 2008:
All the E/M Changes You Need to Know Now
Rumored -e-visit- code is a reality When you open your CPT 2008 manual, you-ll be confr...
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CPT 2008 Still Missing 'Transfer of Care' Resolution
One issue not addressed by the AMA in CPT 2008 is a resolution of how to distinguish a con...
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Reader Questions:
Not All Allografts Are Equal
Question: The neurosurgeon performs anterior interbody fusion at C5-C6 for a patient wit...
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Reader Questions:
Avoid 62 With Instrumentation Claims
Question: Recently, our neurosurgeon worked with an orthopedic surgeon to perform spinal...
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Reader Questions:
PLIF and Laminectomy Are Separate
Question: My surgeon argues that we should be able to report a laminectomy (63047) in ad...
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Reader Questions:
New Surgeon May Bring Established Patients
Question: We have a new surgeon who is coming over from a nearby county, so of course sh...
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You Be the Coder:
How Can You Account for RFTC?
Question: I recently received a procedure note outlining "RFTC for nerve destruction." I...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007: Volume 8, Number 11
Part 1:
Straighten Out Your Claims With This Complete Guide to Spinal Instrumentation
When reporting same-session arthrodesis, be careful not to mix -segments- and -interspaces...
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Segmental or Not? Here's How to Tell
Nonsegmental posterior instrumentation attaches to the spine at two points--the proximal a...
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Conquer Add-on Codes With This Easy Checklist
Always appeal -multiple-procedure reductions- with add-onsReporting -add-on- codes is a sn...
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News You Can Use:
One of the Most Troublesome CCI Edits Is Going Away
Retroactive change could mean lost money foundThe national Correct Coding Initiative (CCI)...
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Coming Soon:
CPT 2008
Early information suggests significant changes to CPT for 2008, including 242 new codes, 2...
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53 Applies for Interrupted Lumbar Puncture
Question: During lumbar puncture, the patient experienced leg numbness and paresthesia. Th...
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Stick With 99218-99220 for 8 Hours or Fewer
Question: We have a longstanding argument in our office regarding the proper use of observ...
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Making the Most of Telephone Time
Question: I-ve been told that I cannot be paid for time the physician spends with a patien...
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You Be the Coder:
Can a Craniotomy Be 'Bilateral'?
Question: The surgeon performed frontal craniotomies on both the left and right sides to e...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 10
Open the Door to Masterful 63050-63051 Reporting -- Here's How
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Check These 5 Items to Apply Modifier 57 Properly
Remember that the global period begins 1 day prior to surgery When an E/M service pro...
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Global Periods Made Easy
Modifiers and more depend on surgical package timeline The global period's length for...
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Modifier 57 Is the Answer for 'Major' Surgery, Same-Day E/M
As discussed elsewhere in this issue (see -Check These 5 Items to Apply Modifier 57 Prop...
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Reader Question:
Treatment, Tests Don't Rule Out a Consult
Question: Can I still report a consultation if the consulting physician initiates treatm...
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Reader Question:
Overlapping Critical Care Could Lead to Denials
Question: Can two physicians claim critical care for the same patient? California Sub...
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Reader Question:
Add-on Code Describes Chemo Disc Implantation
Question: Recently I received an operative report in which the surgeon describes impla...
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Reader Question:
Endoscopic-to-Open Surgery Calls for 1 Code Only
Question: Our surgeon attempted to remove a pituitary tumor using the endoscope (62165...
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You Be the Coder:
What's the Code for Mysterious X-Stop?
Question: I-ve recently come across an operative report for an -X-STOP- procedure. I-ve ...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 9
Follow 6 Easy Steps to Distinguish Kyphoplasty From Vertebroplasty
Crossing spinal regions calls for a single -primary- codeIf you can't tell percutaneous ve...
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Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty Codes
Vertebroplasty codes cover thoracic, lumbar and each additional thoracic or lumbar vertebr...
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Bonus Tip:
Vertebro/Kypho Plasty Include Bone Biopsy
When reporting 22520-22522 or 22523-22525, you won't code separately for bone biopsy (2022...
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Modifier 59 Made Easy:
Look for a Separate Location/Session
Be sure to check CCI for a -1- modifier indicator Properly applying modifier 59 (Distinct ...
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Go With the Flow to Make Modifier 59 Decisions Easy
If you-re looking for an easy way to determine if you should append modifier 59 (Distinct ...
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Count Fusions, Not Vertebrae
Question: If the surgeon fuses vertebrae L2 through L4, should I report 22612/22614, or 22...
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Locum Tenens Solutions in 3 Steps
Question: One of our physicians will be out of the office for an extended period, and a fi...
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Cranial Graft Holds Multiple-Code Opportunities
Question: Our surgeon treated a patient for evacuation of an intracranial hematoma. To min...
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You Be the Coder:
What Accompanies 61795?
Question: I receive frequent denials from our Medicare payer when reporting 61795. When I ...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 8
Answer These Coding Questions Before Filing Radiology Claims
Experts tackle fluoroscopy and x-ray coding challenges When your neurosurgeon uses he...
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Experts Answer These 2 FAQs on ICD-9 Coding
Don't limit yourself to 1 diagnosis code -- because it could be the wrong one If you ...
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Check ICU Encounters for Critical Care Opportunities
This audit technique can lead you to extra cash When you see certain phrases in your ...
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Reader Questions:
Look to 310 and 331 for Mild Cognitive Impairment
Question: What diagnoses do carriers usually accept for mild cognitive impairment? Ten...
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Reader Questions:
File 'Unlisted' for Extremity Chemodenervation
Question: Can we bill more than one unit for chemodenervation of the eccrine glands (oth...
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Reader Questions:
Get More Specific With Dystonia Diagnosis
Question: One of our coders says we can no longer report diagnosis 333.7. What should we...
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Reader Questions:
729.1 Is Your Best Bet for Myofascial Pain
Question: What diagnosis should I use for myofascial pain or myofascial discomfort? So...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Leave Telephone Codes off the Hook
Question: Our neurosurgeon receives nonemergent calls after 10:00 p.m. We are considerin...
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Reader Questions:
Follow These Rules for Prescription Writing
Question: I heard that there's a code we can bill (and be paid for) to indicate when our...
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You Be the Coder:
Established Patient Consults in ED
Question: If another physician calls our surgeon to the emergency department (ED) for a ...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 7
Check Op Sites Before Coding Tumor Excision/Hematoma Evacuation
If you recognize separate sites, you could ethically earn more $$ on the claim Patients ...
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Psych Tests Bundled Into Functional Brain Mapping Code
There still isn't a list of accepted diagnoses for 96020 There is good news surrounding C...
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Clip & Save ~ Brain Tumor Symptoms Aren't All in Patients' Heads
Headaches are common, but other problems could signal trouble, too Did you know that some...
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Reader Question ~ Established Care Plan a Must for Incident-to Billing
Question: If a Medicare patient sees one of our nonphysician practitioners (NPPs) for an E...
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Reader Question ~ Know Surgeon's Role, Then Choose Admit Code
Question: The neurosurgeon admits a patient with neck injuries through the emergency depar...
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Reader Question ~ Most Second-Opinion Visits Are Not Consults
Question: Since CPT no longer carries the confirmatory consultation codes, how would I rep...
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Reader Question ~ Leave Modifier 50 Off Decompression Claim
Question: An established patient with lumbar stenosis reports to the surgeon. After a leve...
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Reader Question ~ Observe PHI Rules for Patients and Staff
Question: How should a medical facility handle employees- access to their own medical reco...
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You Be the Coder ~ Bone Debridement During a Facetectomy
Question: A patient with osteomyelitis of the spine reports for treatment. The surgeon per...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 6
Check Bone Graft Method on Your PLIF Claims -- or Leave Money on the Table
The surgeon must perform a bone graft to complete a standard PLIFPosterior lumbar interbod...
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Leaving Laminectomy Off PLIF Claim? Not So Fast
Some of these laminectomies are separately reportable When you-re scouring your surgeon's...
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Knowing E/M Status Is Vital to Your Modifier 25 Claim
Answer to -separate vs. inherent- question is key to successful claims If the neurosurgeo...
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Reader Questions:
Modifier 59 Paves the Way for Arthrodesis-Laminectomy Pay
Question: Our surgeon performed a posterior interbody arthrodesis for a patient at L1-L2 a...
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Reader Questions:
Decide Surgeon Focus, Then Choose Discectomy Region
Question: Our physician performed a pair of discectomies: one at C5-C6 and another at C7-T...
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Reader Questions:
You'll Need Modifier Help for Bilateral Laminotomies
Question: When the neurosurgeon performs a bilateral laminotomy, can we apply modifier 50 ...
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Reader Questions:
'Open-Door' Laminoplasty Closes Door on 63001 Reporting
Question: What is an -open-door- laminoplasty, and how should I code this procedure?Missis...
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Reader Questions:
Intraoperative EMG Calls for Surgery Diagnosis
Question: The neurosurgeon monitors a patient's nerves while she is in the operating room ...
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Reader Questions:
Use New Code for Functional Brain Mapping
Question: The neurosurgeon performs functional brain mapping on a patient. How should I re...
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You Be the Coder:
Don't Code AV Malformations as Complex Aneurysms
Question: The neurosurgeon repaired an intracranial arteriovenous (AV) malformation on a p...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 5
Here's Why You Can Resubmit Those Denied Craniotomy Claims
What neurosurgery coders must know about NCCI 13.1 The National Correct Coding Initiative...
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Increase Your Coding Savvy With Terminology Knowledge
Get to know the spine in-depth, and the right codes will follow Do you know your facet fr...
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Nail Down E/M Coding Rules to Select the Right Level Every Time
Does the H/P have a time limit? The answer may surprise you The financial health of many ...
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Reader Questions:
Consider Dx Range for Post-Traumatic Headache
Question: What are the best diagnosis codes for an acute post-traumatic headache and a chr...
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Reader Questions:
Only 1 Physician Should Report Discharge
Question: A general surgeon admits a patient for treatment of a fractured vertebra, and th...
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Reader Questions:
EVD Coding Depends on Circumstances
Question: Our neurosurgeon performed an external ventricular drain (EVD) placement. Which ...
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Reader Questions:
Check Number of Incisions, Generators for RNS/IPG Replacement
Question: Our surgeon treated a patient with medically intractable epilepsy by replacing h...
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Reader Questions:
Use 'RT' and 'LT' to Denote Separate Sides
Question: Our surgeon treated a patient who was four months status post a right-sided L5-S...
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You Be the Coder:
How Should We Bill Fusion With Methylmethacrylate?
Question: Our neurosurgeon treated a patient who had a spinal metastatic cancer diagnosis....
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 4
4 Strategies for Superior Spine Coding Reimbursement
Follow the experts- advice to submit clean spine claims every time Sometimes, even the ...
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Your Physician's Notes Reveal Diagnosis Codes -- You Just Have to Know Where to Look
If the surgeon does not circle a diagnosis, it may be up to you to find one Don't let a...
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Let This Chart Help Decipher Vertebral Anatomy Terms
Match the site to the documentation and you-ll choose the right code every timeIf you have...
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Reader Question:
Include "Gallie" in Fusion Code
Question: Our neurosurgeon performed a C1-2 posterior fusion using the -Gallie- techniqu...
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Reader Question:
Look to Excision Cause Before Billing Schwannoma Removal
Question: How should we report an excision/resection of an L5 Schwannoma? We are trying ...
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Reader Question:
Payers May Not Accept Modifier 56
Question: We recently sent a patient to her primary care physician (PCP) for a preoperat...
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Reader Question:
Be Aware of In-Office NCS Testing Rules
Question: A product representative recently sold us nerve conduction study equipment tha...
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Reader Question:
Consider 61250 for Burr Hole
Question: Our surgeon performed a right frontal burr hole with evacuation of pneumocepha...
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Reader Question:
Conquer WC Denials With Separate Notes
Question: A patient came in for one diagnosis for his workers- comp coverage. He also sa...
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Reader Question:
Continue Using T Code for X Stop Procedures
Question: I have been holding my claims for the surgeon's work inserting an X stop devic...
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Reader Question:
Report X-Ray Code if Mini-C-Arm Stores Images
Question: Our clinic purchased a mini c-arm, and it is the only x-ray unit in the buildi...
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You Be the Coder:
Use Modifier for Separate Plates
Question: Our neurosurgeon placed two different cervical plates on a patient's spine. Ca...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 3
OP REPORT EXAMINATION ~ Accurately Reporting Co-Surgery Can Mean the Difference Between 62.5% Payment and Nothing
Pin down which physician performed each portion of co-surgery When two physicians work as...
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Coder Wins Back $300,000 in PLIF/Fusion Reimbursement
Fight those spine bundle denials whenever possibleYou may have won out over edits that mad...
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NCCI 13.0 Grabs on to New CPT Codes and Institutes Edits
New edition targets surgical codes With more than 9,000 changes in the latest National Co...
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Follow Neurosurgery Acronyms to Decipher Op Reports
Use these tips to better translate abbreviations into codes Do you know your SDH from you...
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Let This Tool Guide You When You Encounter Acronyms
We polled our experts and established a list of the most frequently documented abbreviatio...
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READER QUESTION ~ Consider Options for Myofascial Pain Dx
Question: Which diagnosis should I use for myofascial pain or myofascial discomfort? South...
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READER QUESTION ~ Double-Check Code for Sacrococcygeal Injection
Question: Which code should I report when the physician administers a steroid injection in...
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READER QUESTION ~ Look to 95951 for Epilepsy Monitoring
Question: What is the most accurate diagnosis for epilepsy monitoring that lasts 13 hours?...
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READER QUESTION ~ Confirm Documentation for Cognitive Deficits
Question: Which diagnosis code should we report when a traumatic brain injury causes cogni...
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YOU BE THE CODER ~ Insurers May Balk at Paying Multiple Units of 77002
Question: When we perform multiple injections at the same time, can we report 77002 (76003...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 2
First Decide Aneurysm's Complexity, Then Choose a Surgical Code
Hint: If the aneurysm exceeds 1.5 cm, it's complex When the neurosurgeon performs surgery...
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Opt for Modifier 22 When Your Surgeon Repairs 'Difficult' Simple Aneurysms
Remember: You should choose a code based on the complexity of the aneurysm, not the surger...
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Squeezing Through E/M 'Loophole' Could Create Trouble on Claims
Here's why coding 99215 regardless of medical necessity could cost you Coders, beware: So...
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QUICK QUIZ ~ Here's the Fast Way to Find Out if the Patient Is New
Remember 3-year rule when addressing patient status Are you having trouble separating...
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READER QUESTION ~ Code Exploration When Surgeon Performs Fusion Mass Biopsy
Question: If our neurosurgeon has to redo a lumbar laminectomy at two interspaces and he e...
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READER QUESTION ~ Beware NCCI Bundles When You're Coding for Kyphoplasties
Question: Our neurosurgeon recently performed a thoracic kyphoplasty on a patient with a c...
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Question: I am confused about how to code care plan oversight (CPO) claims. Can you explai...
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YOU BE THE CODER ~ Hematoma Evacuation With Shunt Placement
Question: A patient with recurrent subdural hygroma (CSF fluid collection) and a subdural ...
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Neurosurgery Coding Alert - 2007; Volume 8, Number 1
CPT 2007 UPDATE ~ Welcome These New Category III Codes for 'X Stop' Procedures
Introduction of -T- code a good sign for this spinal stenosis treatment January is a ...
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NEWS YOU CAN USE ~ Meeting to Address Effectiveness of Spine Fusion
Some fret over potential impact on payments for procedure At the behest of Medicare, ...
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CPT 2007 UPDATE~ CPT Applies More Logic to Radiologic Guidance Codes
New manual groups guidance codes by modality The CPT Codes 2007 manual holds many ch...
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Make Sure Your Modifier 59 Claims Include Evidence of Separate Procedures
Experts recommend that you ask payers for modifier policy specifics When your neurosu...
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READER QUESTION ~ Consider Drain Placement Part of Craniotomy Package
Question: An epileptic patient reported to the office for a craniotomy. During the procedu...
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READER QUESTION ~ Look to Kyphoplasty Codes for Balloon-Aided Vertebroplasty
Question: I have a confusing claim in front of me. The neurosurgeon's notes indicate that ...
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READER QUESTION ~ You Might Be Able to Report Halo Vest Placement With Laminectomy
Question: The neurosurgeon performed a unilateral cervical laminectomy at segments C4-C5 a...
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READER QUESTION ~ Abandon Location Concerns When Coding Observations
Question: Our neurosurgeon met a patient at the hospital and performed a level-two o...
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YOU BE THE CODER ~ Injections With Electromyographies
Question: The neurosurgeon performed a unilateral needle electromyography on three extremi...
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