Looking for a quick way to choose the correct nerve block code? Take this easy decision quiz. Question 1: Did the physician inject a neurolytic (nerve-destroying) or non-neurolytic (for instance: steroids, opioids, anesthetics, etc.) substance? Question 2: Did the physician provide the injection to the subarachnoid space? Question 3: Did the physician use an indwelling catheter or intermittent bolus to administer the solution? Question 4: Did the physician employ a transforaminal approach (common for treatment of herniated disks)?
Spinal level Any/All Your Code 62280
(Report additional injections using multiple units and modifier -51)
Spinal level Your code
Cervical or Thoracic 62281
Lumbar or Sacral 62282
(Report additional injections using multiple units and modifier -51)
Spinal level Your code
Cervical or Thoracic 62318
Lumbar or Sacral 62319
(Report additional injections using multiple units and modifier -51)
Spinal level Your code
Cervical or Thoracic 64479
(Report additional injections using +64480)
Lumbar or Sacral 64483
(Report additional injections using +64484)
Spinal level Your code
Cervical or Thoracic 62310
Lumbar or Sacral 62311
(Report additional injections using multiple units and modifier -51)