Question: Encounter notes indicate that a patient suffered from “dystonic CP.” I’m pretty sure this is a type of cerebral palsy, but I’m unsure of which diagnosis code to choose. Can you help?
Massachusetts Subscriber
Answer: The ICD-10 code you’re looking for is G80.3 (Athetoid cerebral palsy). “Dystonic cerebral palsy” is listed as an alternate term for athetoid CP.
More on CP: There are several diagnosis codes in the G80.- (Cerebral palsy) code set. Here’s a list of the codes, along with information about alternate terms you might see when reporting these codes:
o AKA: Congenital spastic paralysis (cerebral)
o AKA: Spastic cerebral palsy NOS
o AKA: Double athetosis (syndrome)
o Dyskinetic cerebral palsy
o Dystonic cerebral palsy
o Vogt disease
o AKA: Mixed cerebral palsy syndromes
o AKA: Cerebral palsy NOS.