Question: Please suggest an appropriate ICD-9 code for a subgaleal aponeurosis hematoma in a newborn child.
Answer: For a subgaleal aponeurosis hematoma, report 767.11 (Epicranial subaponeurotic hemorrhage [massive]). You report this code for subgaleal hemorrhage that has its origin in the perinatal period, before birth through the first 28 days after birth.
Note: Subgaleal hemorrhage is a rare but potentially lethal condition that occurs in newborns. It is caused by rupture of emissary veins. Emissary veins are connections between the dural sinuses and the scalp veins. In subgaleal hemorrhage, blood accumulates between the extracranial aponeurosis of the scalp and the periosteum. Most often associated with vacuum extraction and forceps delivery, subgaleal hemorrhage may also occur spontaneously.
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