Question: Michigan Subscriber Answer: If your neurologist performs and documents additional work that is not only separately identifiable from the pre- and post-diagnostic study work, but also meets the criteria of significant, then it is appropriate to append modifier 25 to the E/M code. There are many instances when you would report E/M services on the same day with electrodiagnostic medicine codes, such as 95860 (Needle electromyography; 1 extremity with or without related paraspinal areas) or 95900 (Nerve conduction, amplitude and latency/velocity study, each nerve; motor, without F-wave study). Neuromuscular electrodiagnostic testing typically includes the performance of a brief history and physical exam, which are necessary to determine what specific test(s) your neurologist should perform. Justification: "Neurologic services are typically consultative, and any of the levels of consultation (99241-99255) may be appropriate. In addition, services and skills outlined under Evaluation and Management levels of service appropriate to neurologic illnesses should be reported similarly." Pointer: