Pain Management:
CCI 18.2 Reintroduce Possibility of Reporting TPIs with Epidural Injections
Published on Wed Aug 22, 2012
Latest edits also caution you about reporting injections with fluoro. You can now sometimes report trigger point injections administered during the same treatment session as an epidural, but still be cautious when reporting injections with fluoroscopic guidance. Get the lowdown on these and other pertinent Correct Coding Initiative edits (version 18.2), effective July 1.Welcome Back TPI Reporting With Epi Injections - Sometimes Although sorting through all the CCI edits can be daunting, don't overlook the "deleted edits" section. With CCI 18.2 in effect, you'll now be able to report trigger point injections (TPIs) with some injections that were previously labelled "no go." Earlier edits listed the TPI codes as the Column 1/comprehensive procedure in each pair. That meant you would report 20552 (Injection[s]; single or multiple trigger point[s], 1 or 2 muscle[s]) or 20553 (... single or multiple trigger point[s], 3 or more muscle[s]) instead of the other injection from the [...]