Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert

ICD-10 Update:

Equip Yourself With ICD-10 Codes To Report Hydrocephalus

Look for accompanying conditions with spine bifida, reasons for congenital hydrocephalus.When ICD-10 is implemented, you will need to revisit your choice of codes to report hydrocephalus. In ICD-10, you'll find codes that map to a corresponding code in ICD-9 and others that map to more specific codes according to the underlying condition, such as spina bifida, Arnold-Chiari syndrome, or an obstruction in flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Read on for some handy tips on what to look for to accurately report hydrocephalus.Know the One-To-One MappingWhen you report a communicating, obstructive, idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus, or one due to other acquired deformity of head, you have a one-to-one match in the ICD-9/10 codes. Look at table 1 for the codes you will report for these conditions in ICD-9 and ICD-10.Look for Specific Codes for Spina BifidaWhen you report hydrocephalus that occurs with a spina bifida, you turn to ICD-9 code 741.00 (Spina [...]
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