Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert


Uni- or Bilateral CTS

The answer to Reader Question Uni- or Bilateral CTS on page 94 of the December 2001 issue of Neurology Coding Alert contained an error, stating: If [electromyographies, or EMGs] are conducted on each wrist for bilateral [carpal tunnel syndrome], bill 95860 [needle electromyography, one extremity with or without related paraspinal areas] twice, once with modifier -LT [left side] and once with modifier -RT [right side] to indicate the separate anatomical sites tested.
The answer should have indicated that bilateral EMGs are reported with 95861 ( two extremities), not 95860-LT, 95860-RT. Do not attach modifier -50 (bilateral procedure) to 95861, because this code already specifies two extremities. If a neurologist provides only the interpretation (e.g., the EMG is performed in the hospital, using its equipment), append modifier -26 (professional component) to the EMG code.
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