Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert

ICD-10 2025:
Codes for Epilepsy, Disc Degeneration Highlight New Additions
Do you know what KCNQ2-related epilepsy is? ICD-10 just settled on its list of new, revi... Read more
7 Myths and 1 Truth About Fee-for-Time Billing
Prep now for summer fee-for-time fill-ins, previously called locum tenens. Summer vacati... Read more
Artificial Intelligence:
Ask These Questions When Searching for an AI Coding System – Part 1
Can NLP decipher language differences between doctors? Choosing the right artificial in... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Diagnosing Causalgia
Question: A patient reports to the PM practitioner complaining of pain in their upper... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Condition First on These Personality Change Disorders
Question: Encounter notes indicate that a patient suffers from “frontal lobe synd.... Read more
Reader Questions:
Do You Know Dx for This ‘Mega’ Condition?
Question: What is megalencephaly, and how do I choose a diagnosis code for the condit... Read more
Reader Questions:
Distinguish Medical Identity Theft From Other Types of Fraud
Question: Is medical identity theft a type of fraudulent claim? Minnesota Subscriber... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose 1 Dx Code for Epilepsy With These Seizures
Question: Encounter notes indicate that a patient suffers from epilepsy that is not i... Read more
PM Primer:
Ace Pain Basics to Master Coding Intricacies
Spinal anatomy knowledge, coding smarts a must for successful claims. In a PM practice, i... Read more
Modifier Madness:
Know These Modifier QW Dos and Don’ts
Hint: Check the CLIA list every time you're submitting a new lab test. Some coding modif... Read more
Fight for Your Right to Appeal and Win
Insurance companies aren't advocating for your office; that's your job. During her HEALT... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Meckel’s Ganglion Block
Question: A new patient with a dislocated right jaw is referred to the PM for pain re... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get More Details Before Choosing CT Code
Question: If encounter notes indicate that the PM physician performed a computed tomo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Leave Guidance Code off This CRPS Injection
Question: A patient who suffers from type 1 complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand the Rules on Reinstatement After Exclusion
Question: When an individual is excluded from participating in the Medicare program b... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know Sleep Apnea Differences
Question: What is the difference between primary central sleep apnea and obstructive ... Read more
Be Gutsy to Code These Nerve Injections With Confidence
Pay attention to payer's conservative treatment guidelines. Patients that require nerve i... Read more
Avoid These 5 Modifier 59 Errors to Keep Pay Flowing
Plus: Find out the 2024 news that changes one modifier 59 rule. What would you do if 40 ... Read more
Evaluate Your Claims Before Submission by Adding AI to Your Revenue Cycle
Let AI handle simple coding cases to improve productivity. Healthcare has enjoyed a fron... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Neurofunctional Testing With fMRI
Question: A patient suffering from Parkinson's disease without dyskinesia but with fl... Read more
Reader Questions:
Rely on Code Trio for Anorexia Nervosa Dx
Question: What are the different types of anorexia nervosa, and what ICD-10 codes sho... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get Details to Choose Correct Autonomic Function Test Code
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the physician performed an autonomic function... Read more
Reader Questions:
Define Stable Condition
Question: Is there any difference between a chronic condition and a stable condition,... Read more
Condition Spotlight:
Move Quickly to Diagnose Patients With Movement/ Mobility Issues
Do you know what fasciculation is? There's a diagnosis code for it. Patients who report t... Read more
E/M Coding:
Find Clarity Amidst MDM Coding Confusion
Hint: Look to MACs for guideline help. The gray areas inherent to medical decision makin... Read more
Stay on Top of Cyber Threats As You Introduce New Tech and Services
Bookmark the HC3 webpage for quick access to federal guidance. With the rise of telehea... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Testing for Ocular Torticollis
Question: A new patient reports to the neurologist with head tilt to the left and eye... Read more
Reader Questions:
Medicare Ups Conversion Factor … Slightly
Question: Has there been any change to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) con... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get Up to Speed on Conversion Disorder Types
Question: Encounter notes indicate that a patient suffers from “psychogenic aphonia... Read more
Reader Questions:
Determine Whether to Code Dementia With Alzheimer’s Diagnosis
Question: Dementia is a symptom of Alzheimer's, so does that mean I can't code them t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Respond to Record Requests With These Tips
Question: What's the best way to respond to a documentation request from another phys... Read more
Condition Spotlight:
Use These Tips to Code TBI Treatments
Your practice's treatment will start patient's road to recovery. When a patient reports t... Read more
News You Can Use:
CPT® Unveils New Unlisted Procedure Rules
Now, you can code for each unlisted procedure. A recent article in CPT® Assistant saw th... Read more
Use These Tips to Increase Appeal Acceptance
Noting current patterns could head off future denials. Appealing denials is time-consumi... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get Anatomy Right for Chemodenervation
Question: When a patient reports for chemodenervation, what code should I report for ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know How Physician Tests for Rebound Tenderness
Question: Encounter notes indicate that a patient suffered from “ab rebound tender... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember This Tip for Modifier 25 Claims
Question: Should I always append modifier 25 for a minor procedure with an evaluation... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Depend on CSF Leak Location to Code Dx
Question: If a patient suffers from a “CSF lead, skull base,” how should I choose... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Support Spondylopathy Dx With Encounter Info
This ‘general' code set contains several very particular codes. You would be forgiven ... Read more
Use These Tips to Navigate NCCI Edits
Remember to use modifier 59 sparingly. You might not know it, but the software you use at... Read more
E/M Coding:
Use This Refresher to Check Out Updated Hospital Coding Rules
Report the same codes for observation and initial hospital care. Within the past few year... Read more
Reader Questions:
Details Needed for Ataxia Dx
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the physician treated a patient with “hered... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check if QHP Performed Pump Refill
Question: If a patient has an implantable pump in their spine that the provider refil... Read more
Reader Questions:
Complication Type Vital to ICD-10 Choice
Question: If a patient suffers from an intra- or postoperative complication involving... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Mind Alternate Terms on Dystonia Dx
Question: Encounter notes indicate that a patient suffers from “familial dystonia, ... Read more
2024 MPFS:
Split Visit Rules now Shared by CMS, CPT®
MDM scoring will be affected by ruling. It's 2024, and it's finally happened. CPT® and... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Use This Advice to Code Demyelinating CNS Diseases With Confidence
Code to 5th character for a pair of diagnoses. Patients with demyelinating diseases of ... Read more
E/M Coding:
Follow This FAQ to Answer New/Established Px Question
Do you know how to code a patient that follows a physician? Knowing whether a patient i... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Testing for Embolic Cerebellar Abscess
Question: Notes indicate that the physician performed a level four office evaluation and m... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know Role of Independent Historian
Question: I am working as a coder for the first time and one of my providers wrote th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember, All Fatigue Syndromes Aren’t the Same
Question: Are all fatigue syndromes the same, for diagnosis purposes? For example, if... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use Unlisted Codes for These Facet Joint Destructions
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the physician performed destruction of a sin... Read more
Reader Questions:
I.D. all 5 Levels of Medicare Denial Appeals
Question: I filed a claim for a Part B patient with my Medicare Administrative Contra... Read more
2024 MPFS:
CMS Cuts CF Again
Final decrease actually larger than proposed. Medical practices will have to tighten thei... Read more
ICD-10 Coding:
Use This Guide to Assigning Top Neurology Diagnoses
Do you know how to code headache syndromes? In a neurology practice, there are going to ... Read more
2024 MPFS:
Check Out These Fee Schedule Highlights
Telehealth services continue to evolve. As the healthcare industry tries to move on from ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Remember Synonyms for This Syndrome
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the provider treated a patient whose final diagnos... Read more
Reader Question:
Base E/M Code Choice on Px Status
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the PM physician provided an office evaluatio... Read more
Reader Question:
Confer With Physicians on Popliteal Block Coding
Question: Some of our physicians are telling us that popliteal blocks are technically... Read more
Reader Question:
Rely on ‘Other’ Dx for Spinal Cord Edema
Question: If a patient has spinal cord edema, should I report the condition with G95.... Read more
Reader Question:
Extend E/M Beyond Face Time
Question: One of our providers wants to bill an evaluation and management (E/M) visit... Read more
Reader Question:
Take MDM Decision Seriously
Question: Do inherent risks, such as perforation, make all surgeries “high risk” ... Read more
Reader Question:
Know Who’s Responsible for Final Dx
Question: Who is responsible for the final diagnosis used for an office/ outpatient e... Read more
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