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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert
Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert
Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 12
Study Notes, Knock Down EMG Coding Concerns
When you see an EMG, check for evidence of this additional service. When a patient wal...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Base Your Skull Fracture Coding on These Dx Tips
Remember, laterality matters with ICD-10. Fractures in the skull base are complex to t...
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Conduct Self-Audits, Spot Coding Flaws Before Payers
Rely on this expert FAQ to I.D. potential audit hotspots. Medical practices that conduct ...
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Reader Question:
Use Single Code on Motor/NCS Test Combo
Question: An established patient reports to the neurologist for a nerve conduction ...
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Reader Question:
Method Matters When Choosing Infusion Code
Question: Encounter notes indicate that one of our nonphysician practitioners (NPPs...
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Reader Question:
Use CPT® Smarts to Jolt Your CPR Coding
Question: What are the time requirements associated with CPT® code 92950? Ark...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding E/Ms That End in Nursing Care
Question: An 86-year-old established patient with worsening dementia due to early-o...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 11
CPT® 2017:
New Injection Codes Bundle Guidance
CPT® changes should make injection/guidance combo easier to code. When CPT® rolls out ...
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E/M Coding:
Wait for Service to End, then Code Observations
Expert: Here's how observations can turn to inpatient admits. Coders choosing the correct...
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Separate Procedures Before Choosing 59/X
Modifier 59 or one of the X modifiers? Choice still payer-dependent. As if identifying d...
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Case Study:
Dual Pain Complaints Could Spur 59/X Claims
Check out this dual-injection modifier 59/X scenario. With all the details typically invo...
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Reader Question:
Consider Type of Telemedicine When Choosing Code
Question: Often, one of our neurologists or qualified nonphysician practitioners (NPP...
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Reader Question:
Zika Gets Its Own Code in ICD-10
Question: We don't typically get patients with Zika virus, but the neurologist recent...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding Both Parts of EDX Test
Question: I have a confusing claim in front of me. Encounter notes indicate that th...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 10
Dx Codes Get Bilateral in 2017
Latest ICD-10 includes new options for CTS, CRPS, among other conditions. The Centers for...
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Hone EEG Coding Chops With This FAQ
Here's why the patient's consciousness matters during EEGs. When patients report to your ...
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E/M Coding:
Use Counseling Exception Where Allowed to Prevent Underpayments
When time dominates the E/M encounter, the exception might apply. If you’re not ...
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Reader Question:
Document Encounter Specifics to Duck Observation Denials
Question: We recently submitted a 99236 code for an observation service our physician...
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Reader Question:
Consider Specifics Before Choosing Injection Guidance Code
Question: A new patient reported to our physician complaining of pain in his right sh...
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Reader Question:
Drop 1-Hour Rule on These Neurostimulator Tests
Question: Our physician recently performed a complex spinal cord neurostimulator te...
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You Be the Coder:
Boost Injection Smarts by Knowing Tarsi Space
Question: How do you code for sinus tarsi injection? West Virginia Subscriber Answ...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 9
Pain Management:
Check Out This Arthrocentesis Q&A, Avoid Denials
Remember: You might be able to report J code for drugs. When your physician performs arth...
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Hit Pay Dirt on Postop Management Claims with These Tips
Make sure both providers sign off on these claims. At times, your pain management specia...
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Provide Deep Dx Detail With 7th Character, X Placeholder Smarts
Here’s why you must include X placeholder if the code calls for it. If you&rsquo...
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Reader Question:
Get Your Count Right on HPI Levels
Question: Could you explain the basics of history of present illness (HPI) coding? Wh...
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Reader Question:
Prevent Federal Headaches By Obeying Stark Law
Question: I overheard one of our nurse practitioners (NPs) say that someone at the ...
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Reader Question:
Remember Time Limit for Locum Tenens Physicians
Question: We are looking to hire a locum tenens (LT) physician for a physician that...
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You Be the Coder:
Reporting Advance Care Planning
Question: I've heard there's been some recent reforms for reporting advance care plan...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 8
ICD-10 Coding:
Dive Deep Into ICD-10 for Diabetic Neuropathy Codes
Focus on type of diabetes and neurological complications. Neurologists will often prov...
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Nerve Studies:
Use This Advice to Nail EDX Coding
Remember, EMG usually accompanies NCS. If your physician performs a nerve conduction stud...
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Clip & Save:
Check Out This List of EDX-Related ICD-10 Codes
CTS, epilepsy prove medical necessity for EDX test suite. When your provider performs ele...
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Dual-Provider Coding:
Remember, Concurrent Care Cannot Address the Same Concern
Here's the difference between ‘concurrent,' ‘duplicative.' If your physician performs...
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Reader Question:
Standard Documentation Should Suffice on Shared Visits
Question: When submitting shared service claims, do you need to include extra docum...
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Reader Question:
Prove No Resident for Modifier 82
Question: Is there a difference in the reimbursement of procedures for modifiers 80 a...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding for GON Blocks
Question: Our physician did a left greater occipital nerve (GON) block. How can we re...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 7
News You Can Use:
Be Ready for ICD-10 Changes Later This Year
New codes, additions, and deletions will account for revisions in October. The five-year ...
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ICD-10 Coding:
Follow These Steps for Complete Epilepsy Diagnoses
Drill down on ICD-10 choice to shed more light on patient’s condition. When you&...
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E/M Coding:
Rely on Split/Shared Visit Coding in Non-Office Settings
When incident-to’s impossible, split/shared coding could be a substitute. When y...
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Master the Cervical Disc Disorders in ICD-10
Choose your codes based on pathology and anatomical location. In ICD-10, there are two...
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Reader Question:
Remember QW for Some Lab Tests
Question: Our practice recently received its clinical laboratory improvement amendm...
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Reader Question:
Observe 8-Hour Rule on 1-Day Observations
Question: One of our physicians performed an observation service for a patient that...
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You Be the Coder:
Reporting Tilt Table Function Tests
Question: After our physician made several attempts to evaluate the autonomic funct...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 6
New Edits Address Assay Codes
Lab testing codes now part of G0477, G0478. The latest iteration of the Correct Coding...
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Make Sure You're Up to Speed on These Migraine Terms
Complete coding depends on whether headache is intractable, or has status migrainosus. ...
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While Physician's Away, LT Rules Help You Garner Pay
Follow these locum tenens rules to max out pay for ‘substitute.’ It’...
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Reader Question:
Use JW to Recoup $$ for Some Discarded Drugs
Question: Our pain management practice is losing quite a bit of money on discarded dr...
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Reader Question:
Remember to Mark Professional Component With 26
Question: My physician recently provided a level-one initial hospital care service ...
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Reader Question:
Confirm Global Period, Then Report Spinal Cath Follow-up
Question: Our physician did a spinal epidural catheter revision. This was a tunneled ...
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Reader Question:
Use 'Exception' When Counseling Dominates E/M Service
Question: I have an encounter note in front of me that I cannot decipher. Notes ind...
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You Be the Coder:
Medicare's 'Direct Supervision' Rules
Question: I am trying to code a level-three evaluation and management (E/M) service...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 5
ICD-10 Coding:
Ease Migraine Coding Headaches By Finding Proper Fourth Digit
ICD-10: G43.0- is the ‘common migraine’ code. Choosing the proper diagnos...
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Clip & Save:
Observe These Diagnosis Rules for Chronic Migraines
Put coders on notice about what qualifies as ‘chronic.’ Practices that per...
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Pain Management:
Target TPI Coding by Counting Muscles, Documenting Pain
Providers can perform TPIs on any muscle group. When your provider performs trigger po...
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E/M Coding:
Use This Critical Care Q&A to Avoid Filing Lifeless Claims
Without a critical illness or injury, you can forget about 99291/99292. One of the most d...
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Reader Question:
Arm Yourself with Knowledge to Ease ESI Coding
Question: I’m new to pain management coding, so am learning a lot about the d...
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Reader Question:
Opt for Consult Code When You Spot 'Request for Opinion'
Question: A new patient came to see a neurologist in our practice to discuss whethe...
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Reader Question:
Count Days and Not Adhesions for Epidural Adhesiolysis
Question: Our physician inserted a spinal epidural catheter to break spinal adhesio...
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You Be the Coder:
Counting Days and Coding Actigraphy
Question: Encounter notes indicate that the neurologist conducted a level-four E/M ...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 4
Use These Hydrocephalus Dx Tips for Top-Notch Claims
Remember, there are several types of hydrocephalus. Neurologists who see patients with...
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Pain management:
Let These Tips Guide You When Reporting Pain Related to Psychological Factors
Include G89.x codes for pain when necessary. When you’re choosing a diagnosis code ...
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Get Patient to Sign ABN When Medicare Might Not Pay
Bonus: ABNs can also help patient relations; here's how. If your practice doesn't obtain ...
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Use G Modifiers to Stay 'Mainstream'
Confused about ABN-related modifiers? Check out this table. When the physician perform...
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Reader Question:
Use These Tips to Avoid CTS Diagnosis Miscodes
Question: Since ICD-10 premiered, I’ve been having some trouble choosing the co...
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Reader Question:
Check Chronic Dx Codes for Constant Pain
Question: For diagnosis coding purposes, what is the difference between acute and c...
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You Be the Coder:
Treating Tic Douloureux Pain
Question: An established patient with a current diagnosis of tic douloureux reports...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 3
Pain Management Focus:
Follow 3 Steps to Pain-Free Paravertebral Facet Joint Injection Coding
Remember that intra-articular and medial branch blocks are different. Administering parav...
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Implement This Easy Code Transition for Bell's Palsy
The ICD-10 descriptor mirrors the old ICD-9 choice. When your neurologist diagnoses B...
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Prepare Now for More EHR & HIPAA Compliance Scrutiny
Incentive payments are also on the radar. If you thought HIPAA enforcement efforts couldn...
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Reader Question:
Don't File 96372 With 20553
Question: A patient came to our office with pain and spasms in the bilateral cervic...
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Reader Question:
Know Extremity Lines for Needle EMG Coding
Question: I’m trying to determine whether a case involves three extremities &...
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Reader Question:
Stay Away From 64445 for Piriformis Nerve Block
Question: We normally bill 64445 for a piriformis nerve block, but Tricare does not...
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Reader Question:
Submit 64999 for Sphenopalatine Lidocaine Administration
Question: Our pain management specialist is looking into administering Lidocaine th...
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Reader Question:
Base J3301 Coding on 10 mg Calculations
Question: A patient presented with a bi-occipital headache with associated tenderness...
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You Be the Coder:
Choosing 64650 or 64999 for Coccygeal RFA
Question: My physician is planning to do RFA (radiofrequency ablation) of the coccy...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 2
CCI 22.0:
Don't Miss the Coding Overhaul Brought With the Latest CCI Edits
Pay special attention to the modifier indicators for PVB. Your New Year is starting with ...
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Lab Testing:
Be Prepared to Implement More Changes to Drug Test Coding
Say goodbye to G0431 and G0434, hello to 7 new choices. 2015 was a year full of commen...
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Cull Through Your Choices for Diabetic Neuropathy Diagnoses
ICD-9 had a lot of options, but ICD-10 has even more. If your physician treats a patie...
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Reader Question:
Report 64450 for Each Needle Placement
Question: Our physician performed radial, median and ulnar nerve blocks on the pati...
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Reader Question:
Understand the 'Initial Treatment' vs. 'Onset' Difference
Question: What is the difference between the “Date of the initial treatment&r...
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Reader Question:
Keep Tabs on How Workers' Comp Handles ICD-10
Question: I have been told we shouldn’t use ICD-10 for workers’ compens...
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Reader Question:
Move 2015 PQRS Claims Through the Process Now
Question: How long do we have to send in 2015 claims to report PQRS measures to Med...
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You Be the Coder:
Here's Your Rundown for Facet Syndrome Diagnoses
Question: Please guide us through the codes for facet syndrome in ICD-10-CM. Oklahom...
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Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert - 2016; Volume 18, Number 1
Procedure Focus:
Understand the Ins and Outs of Cryoablation and RF Lesioning
Add these techniques to your knowledge of neurolytic destructions. Physicians can c...
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Diagnosis Coding:
Follow 3 Steps to Clarify Concussion Management Coding
Remember to move away from late effects codes. If you're scratching your head when it com...
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Dig for Specific Details When Reporting Neck Sprain
Tip: Spinal region also makes a difference. When you still coded with ICD-9, a single cod...
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Reader Question:
Don't Jump to Report 77002 With 64420 or 64421
Question: Are we able to bill for fluoroscopic guidance/placement separately for interco...
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Reader Question:
Choose Between S0020 and J3490 for Bupivacaine HCl Injection
Question: What is the best HCPCS code for a bupivacaine HCI injection (10 mL, single dos...
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Reader Question:
Non-Chemo Infusion Codes Include Hydration
Question: It is possible to bill for non-chemo infusion 96365 and 96367 and hydration th...
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Reader Question:
Differentiate Between Shared Visit and Incident-To
Question: An established patient came to our office for a follow-up with ...
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Reader Question:
Presence of Radiculopathy Distinguishes M47.812 From M47.892
Question: Our physician documented cervical spondylosis affecting the C2-3 and C3-4 join...
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Reader Question:
Keep These Tips in Mind for Locum Tenens Selection
Question: One of our physicians will be taking a six-month sabbatical, so we need to hir...
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Reader Question:
Get Specific With Lumbar Radiculopathy in ICD-10
Question: What ICD-10 codes can we submit to report the diagnosis of lumbar radiculopath...
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You Be the Coder:
Reverse Your SCS Analysis Denials
Question: A few months ago, Medicare started denying all our claims for spinal cord stim...
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Available Years: