Neurology & Pain Management Coding Alert

Pain Management Strategies:
Master Facet Joint Injection Essentials With These Tips
Count each level and check for your payers' preferences.When reporting facet joint injecti... Read more
Coding Tips:
Get Your Routine And Extended EEG Coding Into Gear With These Pointers
Precise timing of EEG monitoring is the key, frequency is not important.When reporting EEG... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Regions Are Important To Report Radiculopathy
Single ICD-9 code spans to eight codes in ICD-10.Radiculopathy is site-specific for spinal... Read more
Pain Management Strategies:
Master Facet Joint Injection Essentials With These Tips
Count each level and check for your payers' preferences.When reporting facet joint injecti... Read more
Coding Tips:
Get Your Routine And Extended EEG Coding Into Gear With These Pointers
Precise timing of EEG monitoring is the key, frequency is not important. When reporting EE... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Regions Are Important To Report Radiculopathy
Regions Are Important To Report RadiculopathyRadiculopathy is site-specific for spinal reg... Read more
Reader Questions:
Focus on Start Date for Overnight Sleep Study Billing
Question:A patient came to our office for a sleep study at 9 p.m. on Monday; the study end... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report 77003 With 27096 Now, But Not In 2012
Question:Our pain management specialist often administers bilateral sacroiliac injections.... Read more
Reader Questions:
Extra Time Can Be Part of 99241-99245 Consult Codes
Question:Our neurologist provides pre-op consultations for requesting surgeons. He complet... Read more
Reader Questions:
Yes, You Can List Multiple PQRS Measures
Question:Can we report more than one PQRS code measure on the same claim?West Virginia Sub... Read more
Reader Questions:
Point to 64405 for GON Blocks
Question:How should I code a left GON block?Washington Subscriber Answer:Use 64405 (Inject... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Marcaine Anesthetic Before Injection Usually Means No Pay
Question:We've had increasing problems billing and being paid for the medications we use f... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Marcaine Anesthetic Before Injection Usually Means No Pay
Question: We've had increasing problems billing and being paid for the medications we use ... Read more
CCI Update:
New CCI Edits Reverse 'No-Go' Status of Injections With Some Vascular Procedures
Hint: Visit 'deleted edits' section for updates to paravertebral facet joint injections. T... Read more
Don't Miss Indicator Change from '0' to '2' for 95928 and 95929
Your pay won't change, but modifier shifts to better reflect procedure.If you code for mot... Read more
ICD-10 Prep:
Brush Up On A&P When Prepping for ICD-10 Conversion
Focus on your practice's top 30 diagnoses to get a head start toward compliance.Education ... Read more
719.4x Expands to More Joint Pain Options with M25.5- -
Get ready for 7-digit specificity explaining sites of pain.When your physician evaluates a... Read more
Reader Question:
Add -59 for EEG on Same Day as Spinal Tap
Question: Medicare denied an EEG interpretation billed on the same day as an initial hospi... Read more
Reader Question:
Regular EMG Codes Apply to Free Running Test
Question: What are the correct codes for interpretation of an intraoperative, free running... Read more
Reader Question:
Keep 64613 or 64614 to Single Unit, Not Bilateral
Question: When our physicians administer Botox for chronic migraines, we bill the HCPCS J ... Read more
Reader Question:
Intent Helps Distinguish SI Injection From Arthrogram
Question: What is the difference between a sacroiliac (SI) joint injection and an SI joint... Read more
Reader Question:
Turn to Q5 for Vacation-Coverage Billing
Question: One physician from our group covered another physician's days while he went on v... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Wait for More Specific Diagnosis Than V80.09, If Possible
Question: Our neurologist sometimes completes a punch biopsy to look for small fiber neuro... Read more
Keep 4 Points In Mind for Successful H-Reflex Test Coding
Hint: Start by distinguishing from F-wave studies. You might turn to Appendix J of the CPT... Read more
Pain Management Corner:
Verify Treatment Site to Pinpoint the Correct Codes for Trigeminal Neuralgia
Tip: Narrow anatomy options to simplify code selection. When your pain management speciali... Read more
E/M Coding:
Study 3 Tips to Solidify Your Physical Exam Level Expertise
Mixing 1995 and 1997 guidelines is OK, but follow only one set per case.Any time you selec... Read more
Coding Options for Parkinson's Disease Get More Specific With ICD-10
Prepare for multiple choices regarding secondary Parkinsonism. When ICD-10 goes into effec... Read more
Reader Question:
Verify Whether Multi-Service Claim Needs -59
Question: A patient came to the office for treatment of L3 radiculitis and ankylosis. The ... Read more
Reader Question:
5178x Could Apply to Transcranial Motor Evoked Potentials Test
Question: We don't know the best way to report transcranial motor evoked potentials for ex... Read more
Reader Question:
Upper and Lower 95903, 95904 Allowed on Same Day
Question: Can we bill 95903 and 95904 for upper and lower extremity tests on the same day?... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Selecting the Best Code for Multiple Nystagmus Tests
Question: Our neurologist wants to bill several nystagmus test codes for the same session ... Read more
Condition Focus:
Pinpoint Diagnosis For Pain-free Diabetic Neuropathy Claims
Include all manifestation codes to help support treatment. Your neurologist may be seeing... Read more
Clip N Save:
Know Your Neuropathies
Not being up to speed on different types can cost you denied claims. When you're coding f... Read more
Payer Update:
6 Spinal Ablation Guidelines From UHC You Can't Afford to Miss
Check that your providers have clear documentation for these critical areas. Does your pai... Read more
Fibromyalgia Diagnoses Will Get More Specific in 2013
ICD-10 to introduce separate fibromyalgia, myalgia, and myositis codes. If your provider d... Read more
E/M Coding:
Leery of 99204 or 99214? Think Twice Before Automatically Dropping to 99203 or 99213
Lost revenue might not be the only price you pay for down coding. When your neurologist or... Read more
Reader Question:
Modifier GZ Denials Started July 1
Question: Which modifier applies when the physician performed a noncovered service for a ... Read more
Reader Question:
Skip Billing Lidocaine With Block or Injection
Question: Our physicians often use a local anesthetic or a mixture of triamcinolone and l... Read more
Reader Question:
Choose 95990 for PA Pump Refill Work
Question: How do we report the service when a physician assistant completes a pump refill... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Handling 96372 for Split Vial Injections
Question: Our provider split a vial of medication and administered it to the patient at t... Read more
Edits Update:
CCI Version 17.2 Prevents Reporting Muscle Testing With AWV
Tip: Appending modifier 25 can help save annual visit with some claims.Until now, you've b... Read more
October Updates Bring New Dementia, Lambert-Eaton Diagnosis Options for 2012
Plus: Heads up on the timeline until ICD-10 implementation.New and revised ICD-9 diagnosis... Read more
Pain Management:
25, 50, and 59: Check That You Use These 3 Modifiers Correctly
Knowing what to append -- and when -- can help your injection claims.Last month'... Read more
Late Effects of Cerebrovascular Disease Gets ICD-10 Overhaul
Prepare for extra digits explaining more details.Currently, ICD-9-CM makes coding for late... Read more
Reader Question:
Delete Intractable Seizure Diagnosis After Surgery
Question: Our practice recently saw a patient who had been having intractable seizures. Th... Read more
Reader Question:
Nix EMG Code 95870 With 64613 and +95874
Question: We submitted a claim with codes 95874, 95870, 64613, and J0585. The insurer paid... Read more
Reader Question:
Medicare Rules Dictate 1-Year Filing Window
Question: During a recent internal review, we found several claims from November 2009 that... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Coding for T12-L1 Interlaminal Epidural
Question: Our pain management specialist administered an interlaminar epidural injection t... Read more
Pain Management:
Check 2 Areas That Distinguish Interventional PM Services
Degree of difficulty takes IPM injections to the next level.If your physician performs int... Read more
Sleep Studies:
Confirm Test Details and Sleep Parameters Before Coding Split Study
Hint: Testing versus treatment draws the line between 95810 and 95811.A split night sleep ... Read more
Check Out New Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Options From ICD-10
Tip: Clarify MD's notation of CTS before coding.When using ICD-9-CM, you currently have a ... Read more
Prepare Now for Upcoming Version 5010 Challenges
The 2012 implementation deadline won't change, so now's the time to start preparing.Making... Read more
Reader Question:
Rely on Modifier 25 for Same-Day EMG, E/M
Question: Can I bill for both EMG and E/M services on the same day?Michigan SubscriberAnsw... Read more
Reader Question:
Remember Face-to-Face in New vs. Established
Question: We saw a patient for pain injections earlier in the year and he is now coming in... Read more
Reader Question:
Only 715.16 Eases Synvisc Injection Coding
Question: A new physician in our office wants to administer Synvisc knee injections for ou... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Choosing for Trochanteric Bursa Injection
Question: How should I code injection of trochanteric bursa and sacral crest? My physician... Read more
Sleep Study:
Verify Credentials to Choose Correct Sleep Lab POS
Tip: Don't forget to check for add-on modifier opportunities.Correctly coding diagnostic s... Read more
Pain Management:
Look to Number of Drug Classes to Determine G0431, G0434 Choice
Steer clear of 80100, 80104 on Medicare claims.If your pain management specialist conducts... Read more
G89 Family Will Bring Chronic, Acute Pain Options
Hint: One-to-one cross from ICD-9 eases transition.When ICD-10 goes into effect in October... Read more
Reader Questions:
Begin With 758.5 for CADASIL Diagnosis
Question: What is the correct diagnosis for CADASIL? Minnesota Subscriber Answer: Th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Timeframe Distinguishes 95812 From 95813
Question: What things should we look for in a patient's chart before coding extended EEG m... Read more
Reader Questions:
349.0 Fits Headache From Low CSF Pressure
Question: The physician documented that following a diagnostic spinal tap, the patient had... Read more
Reader Questions:
Tinnitus Can Be Perceived In Head, Not Just Ear
Question: The neurologist documented "ringing in head" for a new patient. What diagnosis c... Read more
Reader Questions:
Costovertebral Injection Equals 20605
Question: How should we code a costovertebral joint injection?Maryland SubscriberAnswer: T... Read more
Reader Questions:
Resort to 'Unlisted' for MILD Procedure
Question: What is the best CPT® code for minimally invasive lumbar decompression (MI... Read more
You Be the Coder:
E/M or 99024 for Pump Follow-Up? Depends on Catheter Placement
Question: Our pain management physician began a patient on an intrathecal pump trial. He s... Read more
MS Coding:
Considering Gilenya Administration? Get Your Answers to Top 3 FAQs
Staying with basic 99211 might be safest option.If you're shaky on how to report Gilenya (... Read more
Pain Management:
Check 2 Areas for Trigeminal Nerve Block Success
Tip: Watch for other names that could mean trigeminal.If your physician administers trigem... Read more
CCI 17.1:
Plantar Nerve Injections and Destructions Override Other Procedures
Tip: Many edits allow you to break the bundle, so watch modifier indicators.Check out the ... Read more
Prepare for Site-Specific Lumbago, Sciatica Choices in 2013
You'll specify anatomic sites with ICD-10.Lumbago and sciatica are two common diagnoses in... Read more
Reader Questions:
Look to 20550 for Iliotibial Injection
Question: Our physician administered an iliotibial injection with steroids. How should we ... Read more
Reader Questions:
95953 Applies to Non-Monitored Home EEG Test
Question: Our physician sent an EEG holter monitor home with a patient for three days. Wha... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report Units, Not Separate Lines, for MC Injection Claims
Question: The physician administered transforaminal epidural steroid injections to the rig... Read more
Reader Questions:
E/M or 99024 for Pump Follow-Up? Depends on Catheter Placement
Question: Our pain management physician began a patient on an intrathecal pump trial. He f... Read more
Reader Questions:
Procedure Includes Bupivicaine Anesthetic
Question: How should we code for bilateral greater occipital nerve blocks with 1.5 cc of b... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Neurological Condition Before Suspected Problem
Question: My neurologist saw a patient in the ICU for delirium associated with acute VFIB.... Read more
Reader Questions:
Payers Might Have Specific Bundling Issues
Question: Sometimes I cannot find my two code pair in the CCI edits. How do I know which c... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Submit Multiple Codes for Complete CACH Diagnosis
Question: What is the correct diagnosis code for code for CACH syndrome?Missouri Subscribe... Read more
Physician Fee Schedule:
Don't Miss These Chemodenervation and Botulinum Toxin Changes
Keep compliant with new status indicators and codes.The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule wi... Read more
Don't Let Alzheimer's Misdiagnoses Derail Your Coding
Watch these terms to avoid confusion over dementia diagnoses.When your neurologist assigns... Read more
Answer These 2 Questions to Ensure Physician Signatures Pass Muster
Check signature requirements to keep your providers on track.Including provider signatures... Read more
Clip and Save:
Use This Handy Chart to Remember What Equals a Signature
Steer clear of stamps.Learning the ins and outs of what constitutes a compliant handwritte... Read more
Prepare for Extra Spondylosis With Radiculopathy Diagnoses
ICD-10 choices offer specific 'with' or 'without' terminology.When a patient has spondylos... Read more
Reader Questions:
No Timeframe on Fall Coding for Initial Visit
Question: An established patient came to the office complaining of back pain related to a ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Payer Guidelines Dictate Multilevel Reporting
Question: When billing for multilevel lumbar facet joint nerve radiofrequency, (i.e., L2, ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose J1020, J1030, J1040 Based on Strength
Question: Depo-Medrol comes in three different strengths, but the code doesn't state h... Read more
Reader Questions:
Watch Local Medicare Rule for NCS With Modifier 50
Question: Medicare denies claims for modifiers with 95903, 95904, and 95934. We're submitt... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Get More Details Before Jumping to 294.9
Question:Does ICD-9 include a code for impaired decision making?South Carolina SubscriberA... Read more
Pain Management:
784.0 or 723.8? Headache Choice Hinges on Provider Notes
Our 4 questions will point you to the best diagnosis and injection codes.If your neurologi... Read more
Sleep Study:
Stay Alert to Using 95800, 95801 for Some Home Sleep Studies
Caution: Don't ignore previous G codes for some payers.If your physician orders home sleep... Read more
Move From 2 Codes to 1 for Diabetic Polyneuropathy
ICD-10 choices include etiology and manifestation.ICD-9 requires you to report two diagnos... Read more
Red Flag Rules:
Close Call: Late Ruling States Your Practice Might Not Qualify as a 'Creditor'
Congressional vote changes wording, eliminates medical practices from definition.In a vote... Read more
Reader questions:
Submit E/M, 99354, +99355 for Gilenya
Question: We're preparing to start offering Gilenya to some of our patients who have relap... Read more
Reader questions:
Submit 20605 or 22899 Bertolotti Joint Injections
Question: Our pain management specialist performed a left medial branch block at the L5 ve... Read more
You Be the Coder:
JVD Exam Could Be Neck or Cardiovascular Element
Question: We have disagreements in our office over whether negative jugular venous distent... Read more
CCI 17.0:
64611 Is the Reportable Code for Many Pairs in Newest CCI Edits
Plus: Add TPIs, arthrocentesis, and more to the 'no with fluoro' camp.One look at the newe... Read more
CPT 2011:
New Modifier GU and Revisions to 76, 77, and 78 Change Your Reporting
Descriptor updates and E-prescribing top experts' lists of watch points.As you move into 2... Read more
Prepare for Many More Options for Acquired Spondylolysis
738.4 splits into multiple diagnoses.ICD-10 implementation in 2013 is coming fast, so take... Read more
E/M Coding:
New Codes 99224, 99225, 99226 Help Bridge 'Middle Day' Coding Gap
Observation services expansion eliminates payer coding variation.2011 brings a new coding ... Read more
Reader questions:
Reporting 62362? Don't Include 95991
Question: Medicare denied our claim with 62368 and 95991 for implanting a programmable pum... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Get Specific With TMJ Diagnosis for Success
Question: Our provider included two diagnoses in the documentation for a temporomandibular... Read more
Available Years:  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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