Go from two to 14 codes to produce claims with more accuracy.
You will have more psoriasis diagnosis codes to choose from with ICD-10, but it is a good thing. More codes mean more detail in your claim, resulting in fewer denials.
Say Goodbye to Sparse Codes
ICD-9 concentrates on one condition and lumps the rest of the types of psoriasis in “other” with the following two codes:
There are seven types of psoriasis and in the future, there
will be ICD-10 codes representing each of the following:
Blow Out All Types of Psoriasis
There will be five-digit ICD-10 diagnosis codes for psoriasis. The first three characters are the category of the diagnosis, the fourth is the etiology, and the fifth is the anatomical site.
The new codes will distinguish between all of the specific dermatological psoriasis conditions as follows: