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Modifier Coding Alert
Modifier Coding Alert
Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 12
Put Postop Surgeries into Focus with 78, 79
Crucial question: Is second surgery related to most recent procedure? When a patient h...
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Third-Party Billing:
Use Modifier 32 When Third Party Mandates Service
Third-party payers could include social workers, lawyers. When you are billing for ser...
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Specialty Focus:
Anesthesia: Represent Patient's Health with P Modifiers
Here’s why you must use modifiers even when you don’t get paid extra. When...
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You Be the Expert:
Coding Return E/Ms for Similar Injuries
Question: An established patient with a history of left knee injuries reported to o...
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Reader Question:
I.D. Separate Sites Before Using 59 for Lesion Excision, Repair
Question: We billed CPT® codes 12042 and 11420 with modifier 51. I billed the 1...
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Reader Question:
Consider F/T, 51 Modifiers When Provider Fixes Cut, Splints Finger
Question: A patient reports to the physician with a laceration to her left index fi...
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Reader Question:
Include Modifier GC,Avert TP Coding Headaches
Question: What are the rules on teaching physicians (TP) being present during surgi...
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Reader Question:
Remember RT, 25 on FBR + E/M Claims
Question: An established patient who was shooting off fireworks the previous day re...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 11
Site Modifiers:
Work Full-Time With F/T Modifiers, and Quit Getting Denials
Here’s why you should use these modifiers whenever the insurer requires them. Th...
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CPT® 2016:
Learn New Prolonged Services Codes, Master 'Team' Coding
Modifier 25 might be the key to your claims with these new/revised codes. When CPT®...
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Modifier Madness:
Look to 66 In 'Team' Situations
Remember, every surgical team member has to use modifier 66. There are several modifie...
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You Be the Expert:
Coding E/M-Nosebleed Repair Combos
Question: A 19-year-old established patient reported to our family physician (FP) w...
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Reader Question:
Use Modifier 27 On Multiple Outpatient E/Ms
Question: I code outpatient hospital services for a multispecialty physician clinic...
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Reader Question:
Prove Separate Services; Append Modifier to E/M During Well-Woman Visit
Question: An established, high-risk 72-year-old Medicare patient presents to the of...
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Reader Question:
Know CPT® Rules to Nail Bilateral Claims
Question: Our physician recently performed a diagnostic thoracentesis for a patient...
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Reader Question:
Make QW Part of All Your CLIA-Waived Claims
Question: Our physician recently performed a cardiovascular blood screening for an ...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 10
Flu Testing:
Include 59 When Providers Test For 2 Flu Strains
Here’s why reporting 87804 x 2 is a bad idea. Despite the medical community&rsqu...
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CMS FAQ Clarifies 'Grace Period,' Implementation Date
Use ICD-10 codes beginning Oct. 1, or your claims will be sent right back to you. In t...
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Specialty Focus:
E/M Modifiers: Rely On Modifier 24 to Succeed In Coding Unrelated Postop E/Ms
If you forget the modifier, insurers will probably consider the E/M part of surgical aft...
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You Be the Expert:
Scrubbing Your Debridement Claims Clean
Question: An established patient reported to the physician with open sores on his l...
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Reader Question:
Utilize 26 to Add Fluoroscopy Code to Claim
Question: Our gastroenterologist met a patient at our local hospital to perform a f...
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Reader Question:
Physician Must Start Surgery On 53 Claims
Question: Our surgeon recently performed all of the preoperative preparation and po...
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Reader Question:
Remember TC to Make Your FAST Exam Claims Go
Question: A 40-year-old man was brought to the emergency department (ED) by ambulance af...
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Reader Question:
Remember 57 On E/Ms After Physician Makes Surgery Decision
Question: A patient had an office visit (99213) with a 185 diagnosis on Aug. 17. Th...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 9
Modifier Madness:
Sort Out Modifier Mess On Multi-Provider Fracture Care
When you divide fracture claims, providers engage in a 70/30 split. Let’s face i...
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E/M Modifiers:
Let Payer Policy Guide Your Pre-Fracture Care E/M Decision
Both 25, 57 are in play with E/M-fracture code combo. When your physician provides int...
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Specialty Focus:
Gastroenterology: Be Ready With Modifier Knowledge When Screenings Turn Therapeutic
Medicare, CPT® offer different guidance on modifier choices. When your gastroenter...
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Reader Questions:
Back Up CMT Claims With AT Modifier
Question: Our chiropractor provided chiropractic manipulative treatment (CMT) on th...
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Reader Questions:
Dig Deep Into Training With These ICD-10 Tips
Question: The closer we get to the ICD-10 implementation date, the more antsy emplo...
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Reader Questions:
Break Out 25 When Counseling Leads To Vaccination
Question: An established 19-year-old patient reported to our family physician for c...
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Reader Questions:
Mind Modifiers When Coding I&D Repeats
Question: A new patient recently reported to our practice complaining of a cyst tha...
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Reader Questions:
Make Modifier a Part of Multi-Shot Claims
Question: A 36-year-old new patient reports to the physician complaining of a heada...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding Injections With Fluoroscopy
Question: Our physician recently performed multiple arthroscopic injections, and the enc...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 8
ABNs: Make The Extra Effort To Remain In Modifier Mainstream
Modifier quartet won’t affect payment, but Medicare might notice if you don’...
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Modifier Madness:
Capture Deserved Pay for Excisions In Same Body Area
Use 59, 51 in these multi-excision encounters. When your physician removes multiple le...
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Clip 'n Save:
Use These Modifiers On Potentially Uncovered Medicare Services
Keep your ABN-related modifiers straight with this table. When the physician performs ...
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Emergency Department Coding:
Unlock $280 Extra on Multi-Code Critical Care Encounters With Modifier 25
Ensure the services aren’t bundled into 99291 first. When a patient is criticall...
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Reader Questions:
Append Q6 For Every Locum Service
Question: We will employ a substitute physician to fill in for one of our physician...
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Reader Questions:
Rely On Documentation to Drive Modifier 22 Claims
Question: I work for a four-physician gastroenterology practice. Three weeks ago, o...
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Reader Questions:
Relax ... A Little ... About ICD-10 Start
Question: Has there been any news on the ICD-10 implementation? We feel like we&rsq...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding X-ray/FBR Encounters
Question: A 10-year-old established patient fell from his bicycle and reported for ...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 7
Bilateral Modifiers:
Dig Into Descriptors When Considering Modifier 50
Remember, you won’t code all ‘two-sided’ procedures the same. When y...
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Cooperative Surgery:
Include Modifier 62 When Physicians 'Share' a CPT® Code
The documentation details will point you to the right modifier. When physicians work t...
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Case Study:
Let this Urogynecology Scenario Help Guide Your Modifier 62 Decision
Modifier will reap each surgeon 62.5 percent of procedure code. When deciding how to r...
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Reader Questions:
Use 59 When Physician Performs Procedure, Separate Therapy
Question: An established patient reports to the office three days after injuring he...
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Reader Questions:
Code 'Component' Procedures With 51
Question: An established patient reports for a scheduled discectomy with decompress...
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Reader Questions:
Medicare Offers 1-Stop Shop for ICD-10 Prep
Question: My practice is doing its best to prepare for the change to ICD-10 diagnos...
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Reader Questions:
Key On 'Family' When Choosing Multi-Catheter Placement Modifier
Question: An established patient reports to the surgeon for scheduled arterial cath...
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Reader Questions:
Include AJ/AH Modifiers For Some CSW and CP Services
Question: I am new to psychiatry coding, and I am now coding for a group practice. ...
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You Be the Coder:
'Buddy Taping': Fracture, E/M, or Both With 25?
Question: I work in an emergency department (ED), and I have a question about fract...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 6
News You Can Use:
Don't Skip Over 59 In Favor of the New X Modifiers
CMS says you can stick with 59 for now. Like most coders, you are probably still searc...
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Payer Pointers:
Follow 3 Tips from NGS to Increase Your Modifier Success
Don’t count 99 as useless. While you may think you have a handle on every ...
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Follow 6 Tips to Transform Your Accounts Receivables
Pre-visit and post-visit efforts are as important as in-person patient contacts. Coord...
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Reader Questions:
ICD-10 Won't Eliminate Laterality Modifier Use
Question: I have heard the ICD-10 codes are expanded and more specific than ICD-9 c...
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Reader Questions:
Skip 51 With CMT Codes
Question: A patient with a complaint of back pain presented to the doctor. After id...
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Reader Questions:
XP Won't Override 0 Modifier Indicato
Question: One of our physicians performed an E/M service along with same day psycho...
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Reader Questions:
Modifier 22 May Be Your Unusually Complex 11982 Answer
Question: Our surgeon removed 56 antibiotic beads from a patient’s distal rad...
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Reader Questions:
Stick to Most Definitive ICD-10 Code
Question: Though there are many crosswalks between ICD-9 to ICD-10, there are many ...
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You Be the Coder:
Get to Know Modifier JW
Question: Can we bill for pump medications that were ordered and not used due to th...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 5
Modifier Mix-Ups:
Add Modifier 58 to Claim for Proper Postop Procedure Reimbursement
Rely on the medical record for to solidify staging. Choosing the right modifier to rep...
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Be Ready for More COPD Codes That Spell Out Complications
Four of the seven COPD base code descriptors for ICD-9 are direct matches to ICD-10. I...
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Informational Modifier:
Don't Miss Modifier QW for CLIA Waived Tests
Medicare will deny test claims that don’t include the CLIA waived test modifier. ...
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Ambulance Modifiers:
Tackle Challenging Ambulance Service Coding With Q Modifiers
You’ll need to know when a patient is pronounced dead to use modifier QL. Whethe...
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Reader Questions:
Match 2 Assisting Surgeons with AS and 80
Question: Our clinic’s doctor was the primary surgeon during a surgery. Our a...
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Reader Questions:
Make Sure the Surgery is Major with 57
Question: My physician admitted a patient with parotitis to the hospital for IV ant...
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Reader Questions:
Attach GA When You Have an ABN
Question: A Medicare patient is coming in to our office for a tetanus shot, but he has n...
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Reader Questions:
Follow the Restrictions on Modifier 90 with Referred Lab Claims
Question: My physician ordered a carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and hemoglobin test...
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Reader Questions:
Picture Modifier 32 with Mandated Services
Question: A 40-year-old male came into our office with a work-related back injury. ...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Forget GZ When There's a Suspicion of a Service Denial
Question: A Medicare patient came into our practice to see his doctor. The doctor p...
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You Be the Coder:
Be Careful Matching Your Modifiers to the Record
Question: I coded a claim with anesthesia code 00140 with 3.5 units and modifier QS...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 4
Modifier Guidance:
Look at Published X{ESPU} Examples Some Payers Are Offering, Part 2
Making your distinct separate procedural coding more specific will strengthen your claim...
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Wait to See If 6 Experts Will Influence HHS and Make the Oct. 1 Date Stick
The cost of preparing for the ICD-10 upgrade is far less than originally thought. Opin...
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Avoid Modifier 55 Errors By Identifying Transfer of Care
Hint: Don’t attach 55 when your physician is covering for another doctor. When t...
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Case Study:
Modifier 22 Success Relies on Your Skills to Uncover Note Details
Detailed notes will help support added work and bring in the accurate pay. In order to...
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News You Can Use:
Help Compile Data on PBDs by Using Modifier PO
CMS pays more when physicians perform services in a provider-based department. The inc...
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Reader Question:
Try Modifier AU for Tape Application
Question: A doctor applied non-waterproof tape (A4450) over the skin of one of her patie...
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Reader Question:
See What CMS Has to Say About Units of Service
Question: I recently coded knee injections for the right and left knee, both done w...
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Reader Question:
If You Count More Than 2 Plugs, Use E Modifiers
Question: What modifier should I use when a doctor performs a punctual plug inserti...
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Reader Question:
KX Directs the Payers to the Medical Record for Justification
Question: My doctor has a patient with non-reversible symptomatic bradycardia and t...
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You Be the Coder:
Determine a Modifier for a Return Visit
Question: Our pediatrician treated a patient for reduction of subluxed radius (2464...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 3
Modifier Guidance:
Look at Published X{ESPU} Examples Some Payers Are Offering, Part 1
Now you have guidance from Moda Health to better equip yourself to pick a new modifier o...
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Modifier Mix-ups:
You Have a Modifier 76/77 Choice to Make with Repeat Procedures
The same procedure performed twice on the same day requires a modifier to avoid claim de...
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Finally You Can Code All Types of Psoriasis
Go from two to 14 codes to produce claims with more accuracy. You will have more psori...
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Quick Quiz:
Test Yourself with 3 Family Practice Modifier Questions
Put your modifier knowledge to the test and see where your education needs refreshing. ...
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Quick Quiz Answers:
Read Our Answers and Evaluate Your Skills
Put your modifier knowledge to the test and see where your education needs refreshing. ...
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Facility Coding:
Unravel Modifier PD Criteria to See If Your Encounter Qualifies
If you miss the three-day payment window, your payment is out the window. Deciding whe...
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Reader Question:
Watch for Details Impacting Modifier Choice
Question: During a routine visit on Monday, the physician made the decision to perf...
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Reader Question:
Be Ready for a Minimal CF Adjustment
Question: Has the new conversion factor been updated since it was released in error...
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Reader Question:
Associate a Discontinued Procedure Before Anesthesia to 73
Question: My provider had a 65-year-old male patient in the operating room for the ...
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Reader Question:
Claim 78 for Unplanned Returns to OR Related to the First Procedure
Question: Two days after a surgery a Medicare patient experienced a profuse trachio...
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You Be the Coder:
Check Notes to Support a Rare Modifier
Question: Our surgeon performed an endometrial biopsy (58558). Prior to surgery, sh...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 2
Specialty Focus -- Pathology:
Get the X{EPSU} Scoop and Give 59 a Rest
The future may bring clinical situations that require an “X” modifier. Med...
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Outpatient Procedure:
Uncover ASC's Use of 52 with Radiology Procedures
Ignoring modifier 52 can cost your ASC thousands over time. You’ll find that Med...
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Modifier Mania:
Choose 1 of 8 Modifiers to Identify the Type of Provider
Informational modifiers can clarify who should be paid when there are multiple professio...
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Focus on ICD-10 Prep For a Smooth Transition
Upfront effort may save your practice from frustration down the road. ICD-10 implement...
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Reader Question:
Separate Procedures with Modifier 51
Question: One of my surgeons did a bone flap craniotomy adopting the extradural app...
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Reader Question:
Modifier 99 May Simplify Reporting Codes
Question: My health professional shortage area physician performs an E/M service fo...
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You Be the Coder:
Split Post-Op From Surgical Care
Question: My group only uses modifier 55 with post-operative care. For example, whe...
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Modifier Coding Alert - 2015; Volume 2, Number 1
Modifier Madness:
Curb Your Screening Denials Using Modifier 33
Some payers accept 33, while others won’t. If your practice sees patients for pr...
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Have No Fear with Future Appendicitis Codes
The ‘other’ appendicitis codes are expanded and more precise. If coding ap...
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Modifier Partners:
Use GC to Recoup Resident Charges
You might get paid even when your physician is not with her resident performing services...
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Multi-Use Modifier:
Untangle Modifier 52 and 53 to Bring in Deserved Dollars
Never use modifier 53 when patient elects to stop the procedure. When your provider st...
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Reader Question:
Rely on Code Descriptors, Then Attach Modifier 50
Question: I have a physician who removed both the tube and ovary on one side and on...
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Reader Question:
Shelf Modifier GW When Not Hospice-Related
Question: My physician has an established 85-year-old patient who lives at home and...
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Reader Question:
Be Sure There's One Practice with 77
Question: A patient came in this week to see our otolaryngologist. The doctor treat...
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Reader Question:
Pick Modifier 24 with Unrelated E/M
Question: One of my physicians’ patients came into our office for a follow-up...
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You Be the Coder:
Modify Anesthesia Services From AA to QY
Question: When would you use modifiers AA, AD, QY, and QK? I don’t understand...
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Available Years: