Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement


OT In Schools Could See A Boost

Pending bill would align with No Child Left Behind.

Occupational therapists practicing in schools have reason to celebrate.

Congress passed on Nov. 19 the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, after mulling the bill for nearly three years. President Bush signed the bill into law on Dec. 3.

IDEA aligns with the No Child Left Behind Act to help improve education for students with disabilities. The American Occupational Therapy Association worked closely with House and Senate staff to have language supportive of OT included in the legislation, AOTA says.

IDEA "reaffirms the importance of related services--which includes occupational therapy for students with disabilities--as provided by qualified personnel according to state law," says AOTA's Federal Affairs Representative Leslie Jackson. To learn more about IDEA, visit

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