If inpatient rehab facilities want to avoid paying up the next time auditors pay them a visit, they'll need to brush up on these prospective payment system regulations:
Overstepping these regulations on 49 claims recently stuck Springfield, MA-based Weldon Rehabilitation Hospital with a $202,872 overpayment. According to the July 23 report, "Review of Medicare Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payments at Weldon Rehabilitation Hospital for Fiscal Year 2003" (A-01-04-00504), the HHS Office of Inspector General found the facility had not used proper patient status codes to identify claims subject to patient transfer regulations. Weldon was also nailed for an "isolated instance" where a patient was discharged and readmitted two days later for a several-week stay. The interrupted stay was incorrectly billed as two separate IRF claims rather than the single payment.
To read the report, go to http://www.oig.hhs.gov/oas/reports/region1/10400504.pdf.