Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement

Reader Question:

Do You Need Two Tax IDs For Traveling Physicians?

Question: We have a dermatologist who wants to partner up with our otolaryngologist one day a week. The dermatologist will do the MOHS surgery and our doctor will go to his office one day a week and do the closures right there. We are trying to find out if this can be done. Our initial thought process was we could add that location to our files with our carriers and bill it out under our Tax ID with that office as the location. Our concern there is I have been told you cannot have one location with two tax IDs even if you're dealing with different physicians. How should we be billing these services?

Answer: From the billing perspective, you can do this. You would bill under your physician's tax ID with your office address going in box 33. Then, you'll list the other office's address in box 32 since your physician is going to the dermatologist's office to perform the closures.

Best bet: Before your physician starts going to the other location, you should contact the insurance companies your practice bills to and add the other office's address as a service facility.