Outreach toolkit could make explaining coverage to benes easier
Pharmaceutical providers can now check out the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' new Web-based publications that explain Medicare's prescription drug coverage.
How? Web surfers can view and download (or order) a copy of CMS' Outreach Toolkit, which contains basic information on the prescription drug benefit for Medicare beneficiaries, at
http://www.cms.hhs.gov/partnerships/tools/materials/medicaretraining/MPDCoutreachkit.asp, according to a recent Medlearn Matters article.
Additionally, there are also new fact sheets and tip sheets on CMS' Web site at
CMS published 10 new fact sheets on the new prescription drug coverage on the
http://www.medicare.gov Web site, including "quick facts" specifically addressing beneficiaries who receive Supplemental Security Income, nursing home residents and dual eligibles.
For the complete list of Web-based resources, go to