Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement

On-call Services:

Avoid On-Call Fraud Accusations with These FAQs

Beware: You can't capture ER coverage services with after-hours codes. If you bill incorrectly when your physician covers for others -- or when another physician covers for your physician -- you could be setting yourself up for charges of fraud. Don't stress: Remember just a few simple answers to the top three on-call billing questions, and you'll be ready to correctly file claims. 1. Which Physician Bills for the Services? If your physician is on call and handling patient services for another physician, don't fall into the trap of letting the other physician bill for the services. Even though a patient sees a particular physician, that does not mean that physician can bill for any services related to that patient's care. When your physician provides a service, even while on call for another doctor, you should bill the services. Check the NPI: Each doctor who sees a patient should bill for the [...]
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