Just when it seemed like your troubles with obtaining the national provider identifiers (NPIs) for referring doctors were at an end, it turns out you'll be making do for a little longer.
Delay: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) had planned to give you access to the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) database at the end of June. This would have allowed you to look up your referring physicians' NPI numbers, or just download the whole database.
But now CMS is delaying your access to this information until August 1.
The reason: CMS is concerned that you might need more time to look up your information in the NPPES database. You should make sure to delete any information you wouldn't want the public to be able to view and make any updates. CMS will soon announce the deadline to make changes you want included in the downloadable file.
CMS says it understands providers have an "urgent need" for this data. But at the same time, CMS wants to make sure the data is as accurate as possible.
You can find out more information, including a list of the "data elements" that will be publicly disclosed, at www.cms.hhs.gov/NationalProvIdentStand/06a_DataDissemination.asp.