Lawsuits, fee changes, and proposals abound.
Since its inception, turmoil has surrounded the No Surprises Act — and that doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. Read on for the latest changes on the feds’ surprise billing regulations.
Reminder: Since Congress enacted the No Surprises Act as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA), there has been a whirlwind of interim final rules, stops and starts, lawsuits, and more. Here’s a brief timeline of the recent history of the legislation and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) rules:
Here’s a Look at 3 Recent Updates
With more lawsuits on the horizon and older ones still working their way through the courts, CMS and the Departments have published more rules and tweaked the policies … again.
First: On Nov. 3, 2023, CMS published a proposed rule in the Federal Register that aims to improve the Federal IDR process for all involved parties under the No Surprises Act. “Overall, if finalized, this proposed rule would facilitate improved communications between payers, providers, and certified IDR entities; adjust specific timelines and steps of the Federal IDR process; establish new batching provisions; create more efficiencies; and change the administrative fee structure to improve accessibility of the process,” CMS explains in a release on the rule. “It is the Departments’ intention that together, these proposals would result in improved operations of the Federal IDR process and more timely payment determinations.”
Interesting: Comments on the proposed rule closed on Jan. 2, 2024 but on Jan. 17, CMS and the Departments released a notice that they were reopening the comments period. On Jan. 22, they published the reopening in the Federal Register and will now accept comments through Feb. 5.
Last: On Dec. 18, 2023, CMS published another final rule on the No Surprises Act. This one addressed the court ruling on administrative fees. The rule establishes the administrative fee at $115 per arbitration as well as finalizing a fee update timeline and ranges for IDR entity fees. The final rule on fees went into effect on Jan. 22.
“While certainly preferable to an increase from $50 to $350 or $150, the increase to $115 per submission will still pose hurdles to health care providers with lower value claims,” argue attorneys with law firm Arent Fox Schiff. “Although the regulatory framework governing the Act remains in perpetual flux, providers should continue to file timely open negotiation notices with payers and to timely initiate eligible claims for arbitration in accordance with the existing regulations and fee structures,” note the Arent Fox lawyers in online legal analysis.
Resources: Review the notice at https://public-inspection. and comment on the proposed rule at documents/2024/01/22/2024-01072/federal-independent-dispute-resolution-operations-reopening-of-comment-period. Find the final rule on the IDR process and fees at content/pkg/FR-2023-12-21/pdf/2023-27931.pdf.