Hint: Know the 4 PI objectives for PY 2024. If you think the Promoting Interoperability (PI) performance category is straightforward, think again. Providers’ reliance on tech before and after the pandemic has made the PI category an essential element that ties in not only Quality Payment Program (QPP) requirements, but also adjacent federal regulatory concerns — that factor into your total score and incentive pay. And with the yearly onset of Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) updates and requirements, it’s critical that your practice’s MIPS official knows the ins and outs on the program’s technical category, PI. In the fourth installment of Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement’s QPP testing series, you can benchmark your PI smarts with the following quiz. 1. When the QPP was created, what legacy EHR program did Promoting Interoperability replace? a. Advancing Care Information 2. What is the PI category weight of the final MIPS score for the 2024 performance year for a majority of clinicians? a. 15 percent 3. Which pathways of the QPP must report the complete Promoting Interoperability measures set for the 2024 performance period? a. APM Performance Pathway (APP) 4. The QPP increased the performance period minimum for Promoting Interoperability for the 2024 PY to ___________ ________________________. a. 60 continuous days within the calendar year 5. Which provider-types will now have to report Promoting Interoperability since Medicare discontinued their automatic reweighting of the category for the PY 2024? a. physical therapists, occupational therapists, qualified speech-language, pathologists, qualified audiologists, clinical psychologists, and registered dietitians or nutrition professionals 6. What is not a viable reason for submitting a MIPS hardship exception application for Promoting Interoperability for the 2024 performance year? a. connectivity issues in the area where you practice 7. True or False: Clinical social workers are the only clinician type eligible for an automatic reweighting of the PI category for 2024. a. True 8. What is a PY 2024 requirement when reporting Certified EHR Technology under the Promoting Interoperability category? a. Ensure your EHR’s functionality is aligned with the ONC’s standards on the first day of MIPS PI reporting 9. What four objectives does the Promoting Interoperability performance category focus on for the PY 2024? a. EHRs, application programming interfaces (APIs), health information exchange (HIE), and cybersecurity 10. What is not a required PI category attestation for the 2024 performance period? a. Perform a security risk analysis Answers: 1) c 2) b 3) d 4) c 5) a 6) d 7) a 8) d 9) c 10) b
b. Sustainable Growth Rate
c. Meaningful Use
d. None of the above
b. 25 percent
c. 30 percent
d. 40 percent
c. MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs)
d. All of the above
b. 90 continuous days within the calendar year
c. 180 continuous days within the calendar year
d. 270 continuous days within the calendar year
b. physician, surgeons, and nurse anesthetists
c. nurse practitioners, podiatrists, and acupuncturists
d. None of the above
b. natural disaster that impacted your ability to comply with measures requirements
c. decertified EHR under the ONC’s guidelines
d. lack of understanding of technology
b. False
b. Submit the CMS identification code from the CHPL for your EHR
c. Ensure your EHR is certified by ONC and the agency’s certification criteria by the final day of your performance period
d. All of the above
b. Enterprise architecture, APIs, security, and ePrescribing
c. HIE, ePrescribing, provider-to-patient exchange, and public health and clinical data exchange
d. public health and clinical data exchange, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and APIs
b. Contract with a certified IT vendor
c. Self-assess your practice’s compliance with the High Priority Practices Guide (a part of the ONC’s SAFER Guides)
d. Agree to cooperate with ONC for a possible direct review of your CEHRT