Tip: Understand what you need to get full credit in this performance category. For many Medicare providers, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) poses myriad challenges. Here’s why: The Medicare Part B’s incentive payment program revises and modifies policies annually, has confusing deadlines, and a plethora of requirements to boot — which all factor into whether you get a positive or negative adjustment to your MIPS payments. That’s why you need to keep abreast of the updates to ensure you’re getting the pay you deserve. In this installment, we’re looking at the MIPS Improvement Activities (IA) performance category in part three of Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement’s Quality Payment Program (QPP) testing series. Read on to see how much you know about IA. 1. What percentage of the MIPS total score is the IA category worth? a. 10 percent 2. How does a MIPS-eligible clinician or group receive full credit in this category? a. must complete activities equal to a maximum of 40 points 3. What is an IA submission option to reach the 40 point total for the 2024 performance year? a. Submit two high-weighted activities worth 20 points each 4. True or false: For the PY 2024, a MIPS clinician, group, virtual group, or APM entity that qualifies for a special status can get double points when submitting a high-weighted or medium-weighted activity. a. True 5. What is the minimum number of continuous days required for an Improvement Activity submission during a performance period? a. continuous 45-day performance period 6. How many new Improvement Activities were added in the 2024 performance year/2026 payment year? a. 3 7. Were there any Improvement Activities modified or removed for the PY 2024? a. No 8. In order to receive half credit for the Improvement Activities performance category under Traditional MIPS, APM participants must also submit data for _______________________. a. A medium-weighted activity 9. What percentage of clinicians from a group, virtual group, or APM entity must perform the same activity for a continuous 90-day period to attest and receive credit for the Improvement Activity under Traditional MIPS? a. 10 percent 10. True or false: It’s not necessary to compile documentation that validates your Improvement Activities’ data that you submit during the 2024 performance year. a. True Answers: 1) b 2) a 3) d 4) a 5) b 6) b 7) b 8) c 9) d 10) b.
b. 15 percent
c. 20 percent
d. 25 percent
b. must complete activities less than 40 points
c. must complete activities a maximum of 15 points
d. None of the above
b. Submit one high-weighted activity worth 20 points and two medium-weighted activities worth 10 points each
c. Submit four medium-weighted activities worth 10 points each
d. All of the above
b. False
b. continuous 90-day performance period
c. continuous 120-day performance period
d. continuous 150-day performance period
b. 5
c. 7
d. 10
b. Yes, 3 were modified, 1 was removed
c. Yes, 5 were modified, 3 were removed
d. Yes, 7 were modified, 1 was removed
b. An MVP
c. Another performance category
d. None of the above
b. 25 percent
c. 40 percent
d. 50 percent
b. False