Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement

Industry Notes:

Prepare Now For These 3 CMS-588 Form Changes In Effect Next Year

Plus: Measure your Home Health stats against your peers with new PEPPER data.

The Electronic-Funds Transfer Authorization Agreement form, commonly known as CMS-588 , gets a facelift in 2018, according to new guidance from Medicare Administrative Contractor Cahaba GBA.

The revamped form forecast to be out this summer and available for use immediately offers providers and suppliers more clarity on EFT authorizations. The revised CMS-588 allows users to name the “financial institution’s contact person” and report whether the funds transfer is for an individual or going to a group or organization. The update also adds “four digits to the ‘Provider’s/Supplier’s/Indirect Payment Procedure Entity’s Account Number with Financial Institution,’ making it consistent with the industry standard,” said Cahaba GBA’s post on the changes.

Reminder: CMS-588 can be utilized as soon as it’s live, but won’t be officially required until Jan. 1, 2018.

Resource: For more information on the Electronic-Funds Transfer Authorization Agreement form changes, visit

In other news …

Get your latest free benchmarking stats from Medicare. A new release of the Home Health Agency Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report (PEPPER), with statistics through December 2016, is now available, PEPPER contractor TMF Health Quality Institute says in a release. You can download the report online at