Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement

Industry Note:

Master ABNs with Noridian's New Tool

If filling out Medicare's Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) form makes you break out in a sweat, you're not alone. New tools from CMS lead you step-by-step through the ABN form process.

Reminder: If a service is deemed medically unnecessary, it may not be covered under Medicare. The ABN form, CMS-R-131, gives beneficiaries the information they need to determine whether or not to get the service or treatment.

However, "if the beneficiary does not get written notice when it is required, he or she may not be held financially liable," reminds CMS guidance. "If Medicare denies payment, the provider or supplier may be financially liable if Medicare does not pay."

CMS in coordination with MAC Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC offer a new website with an interactive tutorial to assist Medicare providers with ABNs.

Resource: To access the ABN tutorial and online guidance, visit

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