Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement

Industry Note:

HHS-OIG Bids Levinson Adieu

The HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) will be looking for a new head honcho, according to recent report.

Since 2005, Daniel R. Levinson has been at the helm of healthcare’s fraud and abuse unit as the Inspector General of HHS-OIG. However, HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued a statement thanking Levinson for his many years of service with an end date of May 31.

With a nod to his time at OIG, Azar noted Levinson’s commitment to taking down criminals and protecting federal healthcare programs as the leader of the HHS’s enforcement division. “Under Dan’s leadership, the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) has done tireless, invaluable work to protect program beneficiaries and taxpayer funds, improve the management and integrity of HHS programs, and respond to emerging challenges such as the ongoing opioid crisis… Dan should be proud of the results of his work as Inspector General, as should every member of OIG,” Azar said.

At press time, no replacement had been announced.

Read Secretary Azar’s statement at

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