No, shows study conducted after payments for bladder biopsies were sweetened. Medicare cost-saving moves that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has taken might actually be backfiring. HealthDay reporter, Karen Pallarito cites a study published in the March 1 issue of the journal, Cancer in her recent post on This study shows that a rise in Medicare payments for bladder biopsies resulted in doctors in one New York City practice performing many more in-office bladder biopsies, but the volume of hospital procedures stayed roughly the same which resulted in boosted spending. Are "Fee-For-Service" Incentives The Culprit? "Our study was not intended to be an indictment of physicians or American medicine, but instead to explore how changes in Medicare reimbursement might influence practice patterns," said study co-author Dr. Samir S. Taneja, director of the division of urologic oncology at NYU Langone Medical Center, in the post. "Clearly [...]