Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement


HIPAA Hopping Up Its Security Rules Soon

Providers unprepared by deadline may pass muster with a compliance plan.

The April 20 deadline for compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's security rule is weeks away - but few providers are up to the task.

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society and Phoenix Health Systems sponsored a February survey that found 18 percent of health care providers who responded were compliant with the HIPAA security regulations.

The biggest roadblocks: Overall integration of new systems, policies and procedures is the biggest challenge, with interpretation of HIPAA regulations and budget and time constraints following behind, the survey results said.

Providers still have time to get in compliance if they start right away and tackle the requirements head on, according to experts.

Providers who aren't in full compliance by April 20 should at least show that they have a specific plan to get in compliance - including a finish date - and that they are well on their way to completion, attorneys advise.

Plan is good insurance. A proof of compliance plan can work greatly in a provider's favor if it finds itself on the business end of a HIPAA enforcement action.

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