Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement

Don't Be Hesitant to C.U.S.S.

Sometimes you need a little extra oomph to get your point across.

When everything goes smoothly with your physician communication, the follow-up is easy. You can repeat orders back and ask for parameters as to when you should call back.

Tip: You may also want to ask for additional visits to follow up with an evaluation of the intervention, Mary Narayan, MSN, RN, HHCNS-BC, COS-C, with Narayan Associates in Vienna, Va.

But that’s in an ideal situation. If you aren’t happy with the physician’s response, you may need to take further action. For example, some physicians may cut you off right away and tell you to send a patient to the Emergency Room. With the added stress and exposure to infection, this isn’t always the best course of action for every patient, Narayan said. Instead, look to the C.U.S.S. format for help expressing your concerns:

  • I am Concerned … (about sending this patient to the E.R. at this time)
  • I am Uncomfortable … (sending him to the E.R. until we try X)
  • The Safety of the patient is at risk …
  • Stop and listen to me … we have a problem.