Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement


X-Rays By A Chiro? CMS May Soon Have Your Back

How a new chiropractic demo could help labs.

Getting paid for x-rays, MRIs and CT scans ordered by chiropractors could be a done deal soon.

Facilities based in Maine, New Mexico, Iowa, Illinois and Virginia are already gearing up for a two-year demonstration project beginning April 1, 2005, which will allow them to accept chiropractic referrals and be reimbursed by Medicare for radiology services.

The Medicare Modernization Act created the demonstration project to evaluate whether beneficiaries who participate would use fewer Medicare-covered services than those not participating.

The Department of Health and Human Services must report to Congress on the outcome no later than one year after the demonstration concludes.

To read the related Medlearn Matters Article (SE0522), go to
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