Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement



Health care fraud enforcement top spot needs a body. 

Two top dogs in the Senate Finance Committee are calling on the Bush administration to fill the long-vacant top post at the HHS Office of Inspector General.

The position has remained vacant since IG Janet Rehnquist stepped down in June amidst allegations of poor management. Rehnquist had announced her decision to leave the post in March.

That's too long a vacancy for Finance Committee Chair Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) and Ranking Member Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT). "Without a permanent IG, imbued with the authority and stature that derives from Senate confirmation, the office will be unable to set a new and permanent course for its future activities and operations," the senators write in an Oct. 29 letter to White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card. The pair urge Card to appoint an IG as soon as possible.

Lesson Learned: The person who gets confirmed as IG will chart the course for Medicare fraud enforcement, so health care providers should monitor these developments carefully.

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