Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement


Having a New Epley Code Doesn't Mean You'll Always Get Paid for It

Medicare says 95992 is bundled, denies reimbursement for new code -- here's what it means to your practice. In January, you finally got a code to describe the Epley maneuver, a simple but time-consuming treatment for a type of dizziness. But now you're having even more trouble getting paid for the work. The Epley maneuver treats a form of vertigo (386.11, Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) that is caused by small calcium carbonate stones that have moved from the vestibule of the inner ear into the semicircular canals, where your sense of balance rests. The stones stimulate nerves and cause a spinning sensation, nausea, and unsteadiness. During the Epley procedure, the patient's head is maneuvered so the calcium crystals roll out of the sensing tube and into another inner chamber of the ear, from which the body can absorb them. The way it was: For years, CPT didn't have a dedicated [...]
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