Make Sure You Charge For All Your Services
Published on Tue Mar 10, 2009
Measure charges and take action, experts say. So you've got a handle on your accounts receivable (A/R) and you know roughly how long it takes to get paid once you submit a bill. Congratulations -- now you're ready to get started. Getting a grip on your days in A/R is only half the battle.You can't have any A/R unless you actually bill something.So you need to know how long it takes your practice to bill for services after you provide them. You also need to measure whether you're billing all the services that you provide. That's why you need to measure your "gross charges,"which are the total amount of money you bill every month.You should be figuring out that number every month and comparing it against the previous year's number for the same month. If the doctor looks busy, but the charges are going down or are stagnant, you may have [...]