Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement

Best Practices:

Audit-Ready Tips From the Horse's Mouth

Communicating with your RAC is key.

How can you prepare for complex RAC reviews? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) tells Eli you should take the following steps:

Know Where Previous Improper Payments Have Been Found

  • Look to see what issues the Recovery Auditors have previously reviewed. Recovery Auditor websites can be found at:
  • Look to see what improper payments have been found in OIG and CERT reports:

                     o  OIG reports:
                     o  CERT reports:

Know if You are Submitting Claims With Improper Payments

  • Conduct an internal assessment to identify if you are in compliance with Medicare rules.
  • Identify corrective actions to promote compliance.
  • Appeal when necessary.
  • Learn from past experiences

Prepare to Respond to Recovery Auditors Medical Record Requests

  • Tell your Recovery Auditor the precise address and contact person they should use when sending Medical Record Request Letters.

                    o  Call your Recovery Auditor.
                    o  Use Recovery Audit Programs’ websites.

  • When necessary, check on the status of your medical record (Did the Recovery Auditor receive it?) again. 

                    o  Call your Recovery Auditor.
                    o  Use Recovery Audit Programs’ websites.

Learn From Past Experiences

  • Keep track of denied claims.
  • Look for patterns.
  • Determine what corrective actions you need to take to avoid improper payments.