Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement


Thompson may step down next year.

If President Bush is re-elected next year, he'll have to look for a new person to run the Department of Health and Human Services.

HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he would not stay in his current position if Bush wins another term in office. The former Wisconsin governor has already informed the president of his plans to pursue opportunities in the private sector.

Thompson's decision to leave the administration comes on the heels of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services chief Tom Scully's determination to do the same. Scully left the helm of CMS effective Dec. 15, also to work in the private sector. 

To fill Scully's place, at least for now, Thompson Dec. 17 named Dennis Smith as Acting Administrator of CMS.  Smith previously served as director of CMS' Center for Medicaid and State Operations.

Leslie Norwalk will remain at in her post as deputy administrator and chief operating officer. Thompson said CMS would "rely on her leadership" in the difficult task of implementing hundreds of changes called for by the Medicare legislation President Bush signed Dec. 8.

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