Annual Wellness Visits:
2012 Fee Schedule Boosts AWV Pay, Adds 'Health Risk Assessment' Tool Criteria
Published on Tue Nov 08, 2011
Look for five percent more in your annual wellness visit RVUs effective Jan. 1. Although your policies for performing and billing annual wellness visits has probably just barely been established, it's about to change slightly -- for the better. When CMS created annual wellness visit (AWV) codes G0438 and G0439 in 2011, the agency specified that the AWV should include a health risk assessment (HRA) to determine patients' potential risks, health status, and urgent health needs. The physician uses the information from the HRA to create the patient's personalized prevention plan. CMS discussed the HRA criteria with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which subsequently published its "Interim Guidance for Health Risk Assessments and their Modes of Provision for Medicare Beneficiaries," offering recommended criteria for HRAs. The document is available at However, many practices were looking for an actual HRA form that CMS would publish and beneficiaries would complete -- and [...]