Are you using the right process for coding Section P?
If you don’t have a solid process in place for coding physical restraints on the MDS 3.0, you could miss out on valuable information — and get the coding all wrong. Use this checklist for help on getting your process in order, courtesy of the Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality.
Does your facility have a process to code physical restraints on the MDS?
______ No. If no, this is an area for improvement. Use this checklist and the Quality Improvement
Worksheets to guide your team in implementing a process for coding physical restraints.
______ This is an area we are working on. Our target date for revising our process for MDS coding of physical restraints is: ______. If needed, use the Quality Improvement Worksheets to guide your improvement process.
______ Yes. Please continue to the questions below.
Does your facility’s process for coding the MDS include the following components?
If any of the above elements in your process for MDS coding of physical restraints are missing:
If none of the above elements are missing from your facility’s process for care, please continue to another checklist.
Editor’s Note: This material was developed by the QIO program from CMS’ NHQI and is intended as general information. Any individual using the material must consider the possibility of human error, changes in medical sciences, and the need to use clinical judgment in each specific case.