Researchers provide odds ratios for males, females.
Risk Factors Odds Ratio* Male/Female
Previous, recent fracture 3.2, 2.6
Recent fall 1.6, 1.4
2-person assist in dressing NS, 1.9
Wandering daily 1.6, 1.3
Severely impaired decision making 1.4, 1.3
Body Mass Index:
very high BMI 40+ 1.6, reduces risk
low to normal BMI <20 1.4, 1.2
Age of 75+ 1.7. 1.3
Seizure disorder 1.4, 1.3
White race 1.4, 1.5
Cerebral palsy 1.5, NS
Osteoporosis diagnosis 1.2, 1.2 **
NS = not significant
* The odds ratios reflect the increased likelihood of having a subsequent fracture when the resident has the condition (e.g. previous fracture) compared to residents who do not, and controlling for other important resident characteristics and risk factors.
For example, after controlling for many resident characteristics, female residents with a previous fracture are 2.6 times more likely to have another fracture than female residents with no previous fracture. Female residents with a previous fall are 40 percent more likely to have a fracture (odds ratio 1.4) than residents that do not have a recent fall coded on the MDS.
** This odds ratio, while significant, is probably low due to under-reporting of osteoporosis on the MDS.
Source: New York Association of Homes & Services for the Aging/EQUIP for Quality.