MDS Alert


Could You Find the Answers to These Questions and Ante Up the Documentation?

The QIS staff interview questions can help with QI and survey preparation.

Practice makes perfect or at least gives you an opportunity to get used to questions surveyors may ask about residents--and ensure the facility has the documentation to back up your answers and the MDS assessments.And in that regard, the Quality Indicator Survey (QIS) staff interview questions may be just the ticket.

Staff can answer the interview questions by using resources such as the chart, MAR, flowsheets, etc.,says Diane Vaughn, RN, C, LNHA, regional director of Minnesota operations for Pathway Health Services in White Bear Lake, Minn. "For facilities that do have the QIS, it's great to go through the questions with [staff] so they won't be alarmed when they have to answer them during the survey,"Vaughn adds. The staff interviews tell you how well the nursing staff understands the residents' conditions or have the ability to find the information, adds Robin Bleier, RN, LHRM-FACDONA, principal of RB Health Partners Inc. in Tarpon Springs, Fla. For example, if the person has floated to a unit or is new to the building, does the person know how to access the data?

Check out the interview questions and related documentation:

Catheter Use

Is there use of an indwelling Foley catheter?

If yes, what is the reason for the catheter (the diagnosis of neurogenic bladder must be verified in the medical record). Mark all that apply.


Neurogenic/atonic bladder ___

Stage III or IV perineal/sacral

pressure ulcer ___

Terminal illness ___

Mobility impairment ___

Coma ___

Resident request ___

Incontinence ___

Unknown ___

Other, describe ___


Is this resident receiving a nutritional supplement, defined as a prescribed high protein, high calorie,nutritional supplement between or with meals? (There must be documentation in the medical record.)

No ___

Yes ___

N/A, resident receives tube feedings/

NPO ___

Following discussion with staff about whether a resident receives a supplement, the interview guides the surveyor to request documentation of a recording and monitoring system to support a yes answer. This documentation may include a checkbox or checklist that the supplement was given, provide a percentage of supplement consumed or list the amount consumed. Any of these methods are acceptable. The following sources may provide supporting documentation:

Medication Administration Record

Treatment Record

Snack/Supplement List

Meal documentation with supplements listed separately

Other source(s) as indicated by facility staff

Skin Care/Pressure Ulcers

Does the resident currently have one or more pressure ulcers? If yes,indicate the stage of the most advanced pressure ulcer.

No ulcer

Stage I

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 4

STAGE I: a persistent area of skin redness (without a break in the skin) that does not disappear when pressure is relieved.

STAGE II: a partial thickness loss of skin layers that presents clinically as an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.

STAGE III: a full thickness of skin is lost, exposing the subcutaneous tissues -- presents as a deep crater with or without undermining adjacent tissue.

STAGE IV: a full thickness of skin and subcutaneous tissue is lost, exposing muscle or bone.

Side rails

Are side rails (includes half or quarter rails) used for this resident?

If no, skip to contractures below.

If yes: Is the resident physically capable of getting out of bed on his or her own? If yes, when the rails are raised, do they prevent the resident from voluntarily getting out of bed?


Does the resident have a contracture? (Defined as a condition of fixed high resistance to passive stretch of a muscle). If no, skip to falls.

If yes, does the resident receive range of motion services or have a splint device in place?

Falls and Fractures

Has the resident had a fall and/or sustained a fracture within the last 30 days?

Resource: Download the interview form at

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