Find out how the points add up
If the resident is coded for receiving one or more of the following services and has an ADL score of 7, he will classify in Extensive Services:
K5a Parenteral/IV
P1ac IV Medication
P1ai Suctioning
P1aj Tracheostomy care
P1al Ventilator or respirator
To complete the scoring, however, you have to do an Extensive count. If K5a (Parenteral IV) is checked, add 1 to the Extensive count. If P1ac (IV Medication) is checked, add 1 to the Extensive count.
Also add one point each for the following:
• The resident qualifies for Special Care
• The resident qualifies for Clinically Complex
• The resident has impaired cognition (score on RUG-III Cognitive Performance Scale > or = 3).
Select the final Extensive Service classification using the total Extensive count:
4 or 5 points = SE3
2 or 3 points = SE2
0 or 1 points = SE1
Source: Information provided in the RAI User's Manual.