RAI manual clarification provides key compliance instructions.
Hot off the press: Staff responsible for completing any part of the MDS, MPAF, and/or tracking form must enter (in AA9) their signature, title, section completed and the date they completed collection of the information for their sections.
That's according to an RAI manual update posted on March 28, which goes into effect on May 1. By contrast, the RN assessment coordinator dates R2b when the MDS has been completed, reviewed and signed, said the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Ellen Gay in comments at the annual March 2005 American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators conference in Chicago.
"R2b should be the same or later than the dates in AA9," advised Gay.
"The RN assessment coordinator can't sign and date R2a and R2b before the other interdisciplinary team members complete their portion of the MDS," Gay cautioned.