Hint: Focus on the different rules for coding self-performance.
Example No. 1: The resident received verbal cueing and encouragement to take twice-weekly showers. But once staff walked the resident to the bathroom, he bathed himself with periodic oversight.
Example No. 2: On Monday, one staff member helped transfer a resident to the tub and washed his legs. On Thursday, the resident had physical help from one person to get into tub but washed himself completely.
Example No. 3: The resident is afraid of the mechanical lift, so the nurse assistant gives him a full sponge or bed bath twice weekly. The resident is actively involved in this activity.
Definition: Bathing: How the resident takes a full body bath, shower, or sponge bath, including transfers in and out of the tub or shower. The definition does not, however, include the washing of back or hair.
Coding: (A) Bathing Self- Performance Codes: Record the resident's self-performance in bathing according to the codes listed below.
When coding, apply the code number that reflects the maximum amount of assistance the resident received during bathing episodes.
0. Independent - No help provided
1. Supervision - Oversight help only
2. Physical help limited to transfer only
3. Physical help in part of bathingactivity
4. Total dependence
8. Activity itself did not occur during entire 7 days
(B) Support: Next, score the maximum amount of support provided in bathing activities using the ADL Support Scale (Item G1B).
See the answers below. (Source:Quizzer developed using information in RAI User's Manual, chapter 3.)
Example No. 1: 1, 0
Example No. 2: 3, 2
Example No. 3: 3, 2